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Hi everyone, just had the dreaded call to say ofsed are coming! have just been checking that all my policies are up to date and am a little confused. Can anybody tell me what policies i need to have for over 8's as i am on all registers. I thought i could just used the eyfs one but apparently not! please help x


OH I didn't know that :o I will be interested in what replies you get. Looks like I will be doing some updating too, I have a visit from Mrs O very soon. Have been concentrating on trying to get Sef completed.






Hi Jolene


Can't really help as I am pre-school..........do you have an advisor at all - sorry can't think of the right term for childminders........or could you check online with the NCMA (is that right - I think so)....


Good luck! :o


dont remind me! SEF is next on my list! argh! where do they think we pluck the time from at all?


well...... luckily (in some ways and not others) i had an operation a few weeks ago and have a sick note for another few weeks yet so i have to ring them when i start minding again. this will be my first inspection though so getting a bit nervous!! whens yours due?


I've just been inspected and the inspector said she thought my policies were very good. I based all of them on the EYFS using the welfare requirements etc.... as I was under the impression that when Ofsted come they are inspecting you based on you delivery of the EYFS and not on your over 8 care. The only thing I did include was a statement explaining the 3 registers, and a small bit about ratios and that the care of any child over 8 would not adversely affect the care of the younger children.




Just thought I'd add that I think its dreadful that our care for the over 5's is not seen to be as important as the EYFS children. Ofsted inspector never asked once about the older children in my care and how they were progressing, I think I could have locked them all in a cupboard and she wouldn't have cared less!!!


good luck tink let me know how u get on X


THANKS FOR THAT MREWILSON - i agree more focus is definately put on under 5's. I have a statement like you say re different registers so hopefully that will be enough.



Inspection went very well. I got outstanding in all areas so very pleased with it. She was a lovely inspector, she was very late turning up, so the first thing she said to me was how sorry she was. I thought that was a good way to start an inspection.... with the inspector saying sorry!!!!!!


Ha! Think that's probably a first! Fab news on your outstanding! Think you shjould give me some tips! X


Congratulations, Marie - hope you're celebrating in style and shouting your "outstanding" news from the rooftops!? :o




Well done Marie - if it were me I'd be telling everyone who would listen. And most definintely those who wouldn't! :o


Many congratulations on your outstanding outcome!



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