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Feeling A Tad Overwhelmed

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Hi everyone,


I havent posted for ages, but still read posts most evenings, promise to be a better contributer in the future. Our move to school has now been confirmed, and we should be opening on the 8th June.


I have been to the first partnership meeting between the school, ourselves (pre school) children's centre and schools after school. There is quite a lot of paperwork that this entails, but thus far managable. I have just finished a meeting with the school caters and we will be able to have our lunches in the school hall, so children will be able to have a hot lunch or bring a pack lunch and eat this alongside reception children.


We have had a lady visit our setting from County to assess our provisions resources and agrees we should get some funding to help kit out the new place.


The committee have also agreed that my role will become supernumary when we open in new premises which is great. Just waiting now for the next partnership meeting where we will discuss information sharing and policies etc. I am sat here now and just feel really out of my depth, I know its just a wobble and I will be fine, but I am trying to reassure children about the move, the staff about the changes, all while trying to keep up with my studies (degree and maths). It amazes me that when we were in the hall, we had a job to get anyone in to see us, but now we are sharing a space with a CC on a school site, every man and his dog wants to speak to us LOL.


Sorry for the long rant, but it does feel better.


HANG IN THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o sometimes you need to take a deep breath and stop for a second! it's so exciting i'm sure but can see how it's also a massive change and i think most on here will say that the adults around you are harder to reassure and manage than the children are and will be! can you take a day or two in half term to have a break and a bit of YOU TIME?


Good to hear that things are really moving cupcake!


I think the key thing about your post was that you said you know it is only a wobble. You have very clear objectives and seem well organised to ensure they are met! This is such an exciting time, but that also brings uncertainty and it sounds to me as if you're doing your very best to ensure the children and staff aren't overwhelmed.


So give yourself a pat on the back for all you've achieved and as debatwrittle says, try and build some 'you time' into the schedule!




thankyou for your kind comments and I think you are right, I need to do something for me and my own kids, so will do in half term, although the Sef is still looming, but hey ho a few more days wont hurt.


Claire x


Hey Cupcake - I think I'd be tempted to hold off on your SEF. Won't it change considerably when you're in your new premises and working in partnership re policies and procedures?


Enjoy some downtime with your family instead :o



Hey Cupcake - I think I'd be tempted to hold off on your SEF. Won't it change considerably when you're in your new premises and working in partnership re policies and procedures?


Enjoy some downtime with your family instead :o




Yes it will Nona, however it was a recommendation in our last inspection, so really need to get it done. We will have an inspection on the empty premises, although they will ask questions about our polices, practice and knowledge etc. Then when we move in we will have an inspection within 6months. I will update and tweak it accordingly but will feel so much more relieved when I have uploaded something.


Claire x

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