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Look Listen Note


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Hi I work for Kirklees and we use a document called Look listen and note to score against when collecting evidence of ch's progress, just wondered if any fellow kirklees employees out there who are using it, it basically ( for all of you non kirklees employees) is the EYFS printed out and every time we collect a piece of evidence we have to number against the stage of development. We are told that 2-3 pieces of evidence means that they are secure, but this keeps changing, just finding it hard to ensure we have evidence for all statements ( I have roughly counted there are a total of 250 statements for 30-50 and 40-60 months objectives.)


We work really hard and I have a fab team of practitioners who produce brill written/photographic evidence, we discuss ch's progress, we record ch's interests, we plan from ch's interests, all staff write observations etc etc, On top of all this we safeguard the environment indoors and outdoors. we ensure areas provision are inviting, engaging, we provide breakfast club, we work so hard to ensure that ch have a great time and yet when I score my learning journeys there are so many statements we miss............. Do other authorities do something similiar? Any fellow kirklees and non kirklees employees feedback gladly welcome. we as a team of practitioners have come up with an overview recording sheet for all areas of learning, green means a ch is working within 22-36, red 30-50 and blue 40-60, this also shows the gaps in evidence not collected and allows practitioners to have an overview ( kept on their clipboard) to know where ch are working at and to know what their next steps will be. Think this will be great for ensuring certain areas, in particular, communities, Being creative, Self care etc dont get missed as we can plan a focus for observation!!


I guess what I am asking is what assessment tools do other people use to feed observations into? Do others have a more manageable way and how do you ensure evidence is collected in all areas?????


Confused by still determined??? :o

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We don't have something as structured as that, but the only piece of advice I wanted to give you was the one I give my staff when they worry that the children aren't doing everything, and that is the children are not always with us for that many hours when they are totalled together (sessional pre-school) and that they don't need to be doing everything to the end of the ELGs until the end of reception, and even then they might not do everything. If the system works for you otherwise in that it gives you some way of recording what the children have done in an easy to glance at format I wouldn't worry. The time to worry would be if it is too onerous for the staff but to be honest my staff are telling me our way is so maybe there is no good way :)

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Hi lotte, there is no way we would be asking practitioners to be providing 2-3 pieces of documentary evidence for every development matters, nor do I think it is necessary.


It is important that evidence as far as I am concerned includes 'professional judgement'.. that's all the stuff you 'know' about your children. Some of this will be documented in their learning journeys.


Could you go back to your advisors and ask for clarity about exactly what they are expecting?

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CAn I ask you to share what you use to track ch's progress and where/how observations, prof judgements feed into?? Do you use something more manageable!!!

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I wouldn't say ours is more manageable - just ours. We have a sheet per term for each child. Onto that we have a grid which has all the ELGs listed across the top and the weeks of the term down the side. We record if a child is working towards the ELG with adult support or independently. On separate sheets we record the developmental stage they are working at, what they have achieved recently and what we will be supporting them to do in the coming term (this is essentially our medium term plan, one for each child). A lot of what we know about the child isn't evidenced but is known by the staff, and other evidence is recorded in a file, perhaps with the ELG it builds to noted onto it or the observation is cross referenced to them.


I feel that is as clear as mud! but it does seem to work for us at the moment.

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