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1. didn't turn up for work today

2. didn't want to work outside

3. didn't want to take things downstairs



help - :o

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I do know that we all have off days = and is it a Monday morning thing??


I have just had a text from someone = "the children I nanny for have chicken pox do I stay off too"


and NO she doesn't have chicken pox = but I am sure she will very sooooon

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Oh dear phoneme it sounds as if you're having a tough time. What is the morale like in your group at the moment? Apart from anything else, these attitudes must have an impact on the rest of the team as they will be the ones covering for staff members who don't want to carry out their duties.


Perhaps you need a little chat with them so they understand the impact of their actions on you and the rest of the team?


Good luck - hope you get this sorted soon!



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I nearlly fell down some stairs today while undertaking all the tidying duties of all off members, I held on I do not know how, I have bruses to show for them.


We used to work as a team everyone watching each other and helping.

It is really difficult when you get one or two people who only do the minimum and as people are others follow. Yes I have had many talks about moral and duty.


Why can't people use their common sense, where has that gone, why is it we have to be told what and where to go and do.

I have lists and rotas coming out of....................... and the most important aspect of our work is our children.


I would walk out but I am the owner!!!!

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Guest jenpercy
I would walk out but I am the owner!!!!


SNAP Last year when we went to the beach with the children half the staff turned up in trainers and tight jeans so 2 of went in the water with the kids until we turned blue. I swear if the do it again I wil make them paddle and then push them over.


Team work. Don't make me laugh

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Hi Phoneme,


ive had similar problems all last year, and finally gave in and did what i should have done from the start! i replaced those staff that did not behave like they wanted to be here and give their all for the children. We had so many meetings, warnings, and informal chats about effort, team work, common sense, following the rota's and implementing the curriculum plans to no avail. Eventually i asked them 2 simple questions why do you want to work with children? and how do you show it? promptly followed by some calling around for new staff and notice given to those who weren't proving themselves.


Its hard, and its a horrible job to do to tell someone they aren't suitable to work with children until they grow up a bit and realise the world revolves around someone other than themselves, but it really boosted the staffs morale and gave others that were pushing their luck a bit of a kick too!.


If something's not working out, cut it loose before you damage the good :o Ali x

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We are really struggling to find someone good to fill a vacancy.


The problem is that the pay rate doesn't encourage people to see it as a career choice.


I sympathise with your situation, although at least the staff we do have are mostly great.

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It seems to be a universal problem - I am fed up with staff who do the minimum amount of work, moan if they have to

work 5 mins over and are constantly 'throwing their teddies out of the pram' when they are spoken to about their attitude. I love my job and accept that the pay is poor but there are plently of bonuses - the greatest being the children move onto school with confidence & excitment. It's a shame all the staff can't feel the same and it seems harder for those staff who are

so dedicated.

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I know too well what you are going through as I had the same problems when I was the manager of a nursery, I felt that I was constantly banging my head against a brick wall. For reasons I won't go into I am no longer doing that job but I now work frrom home as a childminder which I love, like most early years jobs the pay is not good but I have great job satisfaction.




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I love what I do - started the nursery to make a difference to young children's learning through play and supporting their learning.


Why can't they be just like me - I am going into song now!!!


I have done all of the above on previous posts and more to help them have some sort of evidence of children - I sometimes feel as if it is a one womans band.


maybe I am too old for this :o

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