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Please Be Careful Out There


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My hubby is in sales and works evenings, just got the dreaded phone call, IT'S O.K., I'M ALRIGHT BUT THE CAR IS A RIGHT OFF :o

He was driving at 20 miles an hour and lost control on a bend, don't know all the details, he assures me he's o.k. and is now waiting for the RAC to bring him home.


He is a very good driver but wet roads and freezing temperatures = PLEASE BE CAREFUL OUT THERE.



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Oh Peggy, I really feel for you.


Its the 'phone call we all dread, but it sounds as if he's ok: just hang on in there until he gets home. Keep your chin up!



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I've got another day off today. :D No school transport which is our cue to close playgroup too. We certainly don't want to be encouraging people to drive when they don't need to. So it looks like it'll be snowmen and sledging again. :o


Hope your hubby is ok Peggy. The worst thing about the car is all the hassle that goes with replacing it, isn't it. Our car got written off about a year ago when some plonker reversed into hubby because he hadn't cleared the snow off his back windscreen. At the time he was really apologetic and took all the blame but once the insurance company was involved he backtracked and said that Rich was going too fast and slid into him. xD Now we have disposable cameras in the car so that we can take photo's of any accidents we have. Not that I'm planning to have one!! :D

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Hi Peggy hope your husband is ok.

I had a near miss this morning too but not due to snow. My husband had been out in my car last night and so when I got in it to take the girls to school I had to move the seat forward. As I was driving off the drive the seat shot right back leaving me virtually lying down with my feet being nowhere near the pedals! I thought I was pressing the foot pedal and wondered why we weren't stopping until I realised my foot was on the clutch. My car is a new Scenic so there is no hand brake on the left hand side but instead near the dash on the right hand side- which I couldn't reach! The girls in the back were saying Mummy why are you trying to drive on the kerb and luckily the kerb stopped us! The best of it was my husband had decided to walk to work with the baby and when I pulled alongside him he said 'I wondered why you were across the road!' I was just glad that we live on a very quiet road and that the car that usually parks opposite our drive wasn't there. So be warned if you alter your seat just make sure it has clicked into place!!!!

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Hi everyone, thanks for your concern,

Hubby arrived home on Tuesday night, safe and sound at 1 am, RAC are brill :D


Wednesday morning( after just a few hours sleep) I ventured out to work, had to collect 2 staff who won't drive in the snow. Left home at 7:15 am got to work at 9:30 am OVER 2 HRS ( normally a 20 min drive. ) Obviously any parents and children who had ventured out found the preschool closed, by the time we got there they had gone back home. So three staff and no children, we stayed and sorted out the cupboards. :D:o:D WOULDN'T YOU???


Got home early wednesday, phoned all the parents to say preschool would be closed on Thursday (today) because forecast was that conditions would get worse.


Didn't set my alarm so when I awoke at 8:30 this morning to sunshine and wet roads NO SNOW. I had the dillema do I go in although I've told parents i would be closed or do i stay at home. I decided to stay at home, although I do feel a bit guilty but I didn't know if it would get worse during the day. We have had no more snow today so back to work tomorrow, if any parents complain ( which I think they will) then I shall refer them to complain to the weather reporter :D:D





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