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Best 'thing' To Show My Ta

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Hi everyone. I have a lovely TA who has worked in early years for a few years now. She was 'trained (if you like)' by another teacher and I am an NQT. This means i have had lots of training on how to work with EYFS and understand its principles etc quite well.

She is great in lots of areas but in others I can see the 'training' that she has had from the other teacher shining through - things like rubbing out children's writing, not allowing movement of resources around areas, not letting children go outside if it is slighlty damp. There are 2 times in the week when im not in class bc of my NQT and PPA time.

She is very willing to 'do' something to better understand eyfs, and be more on a wavelength with me. She has a levek 3 qualification.

The problem is that as a school we've got no money to send her on a course (head won't let her have time out of class to visit anywhere) so I wondered if you had any ideas of what i could show her/do with her to help her to have a better understanding. Is there anything online, or video clips etc???


Hopefully one of you guys can help!


Thanks xx


Hi Lucie, can't offer any advice but just wanted to say "wow!" Your TA is very lucky to have someone who wants to share knowledge and ideas and encourage her development.


As a childminder I offer placements to Level 3 students and they often say they're just expected to get on with it or find out for themselves!


I hope someone comes along soon to give you some ideas.




Good for you for working so well with your ta. Would she be willing to study in her own time either Open University of some foundation degrees are in the evening. Perhaps there is funding for her fees to help her out. If not perhaps you could lend her some of your favourite books.


Has she got own copy of the Early Years Foundation Stage document, if you could guide her by suggesting which parts you would like her to read up on (bit by bit though if it is to be in her own time)?


Sorry if I am stating the obvious you might be doing this already.




Teachers TV EYFS today



EYFS questioning everyday practice DVD



not sure if these will be any help but may be worth a look...


I think one of the hardest things to learn is to let the child make the choices and learn from what they are doing, value their own work and have freedom to do this..


EYFS guidance.. has she her own copy to read and learn bits form.. may be worth ensuring she has.. and then a bit of work together on the bits that need changing slowly and one at a time... change can be hard , but5 it can happen




I know of a TA in my area who effictively swapped roles with a practitioner from a pre school, one day per week, this had the effect of giving TA insight into effective early years practice and gave the early years practitioner an insight into expectations when children start in year R...this could be a way around it for you.


Claire x


I've given my T.A. and my two teaching students the DCSF document 'Learning, Playing and Interacting in the Early Years' which has some easy to read theory at the beginning and some case studies for each age group. There are lots of great programmes on Teachers TV to look through which you might find interesting for yourself as well as for your TA.




Posted (edited)

Many of the ideas here are excellent ways for your TA to update her skills but most importantly, I don't think you can do anything better than spend time with her, describe your belief in the foundation stage and the reasons why you would like things to be done differently.


I have a lot of experience of working in the foundation stage of infant and primary schools and I am NNEB qualified and almost through my BA.


Even with all my experience, my role differs hugely according to the teacher I am working with.


Your TA sounds keen and willing to learn (which is fab and half the battle!) and as long as your advise is friendly, supportive and well-intentioned I believe she will learn the EYFS ethos through you.


Good luck - believe me, you sound lucky to have each other :o

Edited by pickle

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