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Pay !


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Well we have our interviewees lined up for today and thursday, but ive had thought and wondered if all you kind people out there can help,


our committee have just swapped how we are paid and gone for a pay scale, now in theory thats fine for the members of staff who have been there over 10 years 3 of them!


its works like this min wage = £5.80 ph then add 5p ph per year worked, (up to 10yrs) 5p ph for duties (SENCO) extra for training extra for qualifications you get the gist.


but it means that one of the people coming today for a interview will only be on £6.65 ph. (shes level 2/working towards 3)


Then we have another person coming who holds a BA in childhood now maybe im been cynical but i cant see her working for under £7 p.h way it works out (£6.85)


just wondered what your hourly rates are i know that we are not in the best paid profession.. but i do think it needs to be competative and attractive to get someone to join our team!

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Hi, I wouldn't worry too much about what qualifications the person with the BA has as she mite be quite happy working in that role for that pay e.g. may want something less stressful then a managers job etc and after all shes obviously seen the a brief description on the advertisement. At the end of the day you can only pay what you can afford and in my experience experience is just as good if not better then qualifications although to have both is an asset to any business. Be upfront and hpefully in return you'll get a highly skilled candidate with lots to offer if you choose that candidate I shoul say. Also if you're going to work int his field I would say that most people aren't really in it for the money Its a vocation and everyone knows it's poorly paid.

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the rates seem in line with many .. the level 2 would have got less in my last setting.. and the other must know the sort of job she is applying for is not the best paid and unless being in charge or manager would not get much more in most places which are committee run.. income has to cover the outgoings.. and we often found it was very tight..



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Ask your EYT whether they have a local pay survey.


We have just seen our local one and thankfully we are in line with local pay rates.


We can only offer about £6.70 an hour for our new post if we get someone at level 3. Would love to make it £16.70 but that's just how it goes!

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All staff whether qualified or not on £6.18 per hour. I queried this with supervisor as does not encourage those to take qualifications. She said she had had word with committee but nothing they can do at the mo as they have been unable to offer anyone payrise this year. It is something they hope to look into. I quite agree there being a pay scale but also think experience and TADO training should be recognised.

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Is there a possiblity that your BA candidate would consider becoming your EYP - you could get her on the short route and then her salary would be enhanced with the Graduate Leader funding - just a thought seems a shame to waste her skills if you can home grow your own EYP ? The slarys generally seem fair - in face slightly more than my staff get so hope they aren't reading this :oxD

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we have a sort of pay scale linked to qualifications:


level 2 - 6.66

level 3 - 6.98

deputy - 7.78 (must be level 3 or above and working in this role)


and unqualified - 6.00 but we don't ever have any unqualified.

bank staff tend to be on a flat rate of £7.00 ph and are level 3 on the whole (unless we get them from an agency in which case it's more like a much resented £15 ph!!


My deputy is about to start foundation degree and i intend to put her pay up when she completes if affordable.


EYP/Manager at the moment - around 22K per annum, but not once Graduate Leader Fund ends obviously!

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We are working towards a differentiation between qualfied and non qualfied staff, but because we've had no rise for nearly 2 years it's a slow process.


Our hourly rates are:


Temporary/seasonal staff - £5.80

Non qualfied permanent - £6.00

Level 2 qualfied - £6.20

Level 3 deputy - £7.00

Level 3 manager - £7.50


We also pay 1/2 hr each day setting up time for manager and deputy and 1 hour each week for all staff to attend team meeting and updating files.



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Guest jenpercy

I believ that it is now age discrimination to pay for long service over 5 years - although perhaps 5p per year would get under the radar!

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