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Mobile Phone Policy


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this is an example of ours that we have



Mobile phones in the setting

Employees must ensure that personal mobile phones are not carried on them during working hours. Personal mobile phones must be switched off during working hours, although can be used in staff rooms or outside of the premises during lunch breaks.


Staff may give the setting’s telephone number as an emergency contact.

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thanks for sharing this Cupcake.


Do you make all visitors follow this procedure eg advisory teachers from county council?



Yes we do, even the Ofsted inspector gets to sign the mobile phone register LOL, she just smiled, signed and gave us her phone

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It's the PSLA format, I'm planning on re-jigging ours that they don't cover so they match with them, as we currently have theirs and ours!

The PLA policies are available to purchase, and can only be downloaded via a password that is given on payment of the appropriate fee. For this reason I have made cupcake's post invisible temporarily whilst I talk to the moderators about possible copyright breach.


However so that other members can see the substance of cupcake's policy I've copied the wording here:-


Policy statement:


we believe that keeping children safe is of paramount importance. Practitioners, volunteers and visitors to the setting are asked to place all mobile phones into our locked filing cabinet. This is to ensure that only authorised photographs are taken of the children, with the pre schools own digital camera and only when consent from parents/carers has been received during the completion of registration forms.




• When staff/volunteers/visitors arrive at the setting, they are asked by either the leader or deputy to place mobile phones into the filing cabinet, which is locked.

• Staff sign to say they have placed their mobile phone into the locked filing cabinet or that they do not have a mobile phone at the pre school

• Staff are prohibited from using their mobile phones during any pre school session

• If any member of staff is found to be using a mobile phone during a pre school session, this will be considered as gross misconduct and lead to disciplinary procedures.



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ooh right - I've missed that one! thanks for the 'heads up' - I wonder what else I've missed then!


Me too xD I haven't received an email ref. updates.......if you find out what we have missed Cait please let me know! :o


Right - I was concerned about this - so went off to access online using my 'password/code' and all I got was 'page not found'

Edited by sunnyday
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It isn't actually a PSLA policy though, Maz, just the same format so it matches.

No, that's right Cait. However you clearly identified it as a PLA policy just by looking at the template as did I, which is why I made it invisible temporarily. We do have to be careful not to upload anything here that is subject to copyright, and we don't want to upset our good friends at the Pre-school Learning Alliance by making their work available here for free.


Steve and Helen will be able to have a look when they get back and make a final decision one way or the other!



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I've just looked at the download area, and can't see a mobile phone policy. However here is what the website says about copyright:-


Copyright notice


Purchasers of the relevant publication are at liberty to copy this material for their own use. In all other aspects, the copyright remains with the Pre‑school Learning Alliance. The Alliance will commence legal proceedings against any organisation or individual that circulates the contents online or otherwise without prior permission.


The question here is whether the format and style of the template is covered by copyright. As I said, Steve and Helen will need to be the final arbiters in that respect!



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That's a fair comment I'd say. I looked at the site to see if I could find it and it said 'page not found' so I'll need to look into that a bit more. I also saw the copyright statement, and I agree with you that until we get more information, and if as BMG suggests, it IS their actual wording, we're better off sitting swinging our legs a bit on this one!

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I've certainly had an email alert to an update to the policies with a mobile phone policy in them. Couldn't tell you what it said as we had already written ours and it doesn't fit with the PLA one but that's another story altogether.

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I also had an email form then telling me to follow the link within message and set up an "account" using email address creating a password and keying in the passwords for the publications I have bought, this would enable a faster method of using their service and ensuring further updates are made available to me.


I will see if I can find the email address this message can from and add it here if I can, not wanting to make anyone jealous but I'm on holiday in Sunny Southern Spain just now so not sure if I will be able to find it right now without work computer.



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I also had an email form then telling me to follow the link within message and set up an "account" using email address creating a password and keying in the passwords for the publications I have bought, this would enable a faster method of using their service and ensuring further updates are made available to me.




I have that, but can't get any further with it as it's not recognising my access code. My account is already set up, and I've already keyed in the password from the book ages ago, it's not remembered it unfortunately

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I also had an email form then telling me to follow the link within message and set up an "account" using email address creating a password and keying in the passwords for the publications I have bought, this would enable a faster method of using their service and ensuring further updates are made available to me.


I will see if I can find the email address this message can from and add it here if I can, not wanting to make anyone jealous but I'm on holiday in Sunny Southern Spain just now so not sure if I will be able to find it right now without work computer.




Ah - I have to 'take it all back' - I have had that email.....will give it a whirl tomorrow! xD


BMG - for heavens sake get back to your sangria!!! :o Hope you are having a lovely holiday! :(

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Just to clarify, the mobile phone policy wording is not the PLSA's, however the template ie the boxes for eyfs themes and committments is theirs, hope this helps.

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I use the PLA policies but haven't seen one on phones. I think locking them in a cupboard is a bit restrictive and I would adapt such a policy to say only to be used in own time eg. lunch breaks.


We do have a line in our induction procedures which says ' personal phones must not be used to take photographs of children with'.

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I use the PLA policies but haven't seen one on phones. I think locking them in a cupboard is a bit restrictive and I would adapt such a policy to say only to be used in own time eg. lunch breaks.


We do have a line in our induction procedures which says ' personal phones must not be used to take photographs of children with'.



Staff are allowed to take them out at breaks etc. The whole idea is for us all to be confident that nobody has a mobile phone on them during the session, so in that sense it is restrictive and that is the whole point of the policy. However if a member of staff is hellbent on using a phone, no policy in the land would stop them, as is the case in Plymouth, I am sure if even that pre school had a procedure in place for locking away phones, the said member of staff would just concealed the fact and carried on. Our policy offers some form of safeguarding, however nothing is ever foolproof, short of putting everyone through a body scanner, what else can we do, having blind faith in every single employee, is how a case such as Plymouth was allowed to manifest, I keep reflecting on that case and ask myself each time, if she worked at my setting would I have known and been able to protect the children, its something I have yet to answer.

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I use the PLA policies but haven't seen one on phones.

I've just received the Employee Handbook publication from the PLA - the message on the website says the handbook has been updated with a mobile phone policy. Perhaps this is where the confusion lies!



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Hate to say that we don't have a mobile phone policy. As we do not have a phone line in our church hall our only contact is a mobile. Thankfully (as reception isn't always good) we all have different service providers for our mobile accounts and parents have a variety of numbers to contact us on. I think you have to be flexible.



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  • 3 months later...

Mobile phone policy?? :o


I have used the pla for policys and havent seen anything on mobile phones? If this something that really needs to be in place? I have had a look on the pla downloads and cant find anything!!! oh dear............ xD

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Oh dear just when i thought it was safe to come out of our cupboard/office, another thing added to my long list for the summer.

This is next on my list, bridger - the PLA book is really useful for all the employee related stuff. It really does the job for you, all you need to do is customise it and you're done! And then they email you with any updates as they do them.



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