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Hi all,


sorry this may seem a daft question, we have interviewed our applicants this week and found a suitable person, who we all agreed on, she as accepted the post (I have mentioned that we have to take up the references etc)


what do i do know with regards to her refrenences, do i phone them or should i request them by post?


also, i've do an induction, would should i include in it, when i had mine it was alittle basic, what are the requirments now..


any thoughts

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Well done on finding someone, personally I would ask for references by mail. At my previous setting we had a very detailed induction day 1 covered basics such as who everyone was, where to put your belongings, what to do if you need to phone in sick, what to do if the fire alarm went off etc then by the end of the first week we had a lovely check list to go through making sure everything was covered e.g discussed job description, the main policies- safeguarding children, health and safety, how to book holiday. Then we had monthly induction meetings to cover probabtion period to make sure the person was settling in and meeting expectations.



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Hi thanks for reply, just re-read my post and sorry its a bit garbled! one too many glasses of wine last night i think! celebrating the end of term, and end of interviewing!

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We obtain references via post and apply for a new enhanced CRB disclosure, we dont use CRB from previous setting. The employee is not allowed unsupervised access nor do they carry out personal care until the new CRB comes through.Our induction is a week, staff are give a copy of all policies and a staff handbook on the first day. Second day they are introduced to parents and children, they then take part in a fire drill, health and safety ie lifting resources etc, first aid and are taken through children with medical conditions and IEP's. Third day they are deployed within an area of setting and supervised for the rest of the week. On the first day of following week, we recap on the induction, run through supervision notes, reflect on their strenghts and weakness's etc. For the first six months we carryout monthly supervision meetings, to ensure they and we are happy etc. After six months they have their contract made permeanant or not etc.

Edited by cupcake
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Also do references by post. There are two things which we use and might help you (or others recruiting!). The first is the induction standards workbook book from CWDC. It is very long but it might be useful for focusing your induction process. The other thing is the publication Safer Recruitment in Education from teachernet I think. Again it is very long but you can skim the sections which aren't directly relevant to you and there are some very useful bits of information. It is guidance I believe (don't have it to hand) so not legally required but best practice.

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Best way to make sure you get references back is include a stamped addressed envelope - although previous employers know how important they are, they still don't seem to want to get them back to you easily ( I give them a week and will then phone - a gentle reminder often helps :o ). A sheet in the front of the newbies file which acts as a checklist for all things like when you sent CRB off /reference requests/ policies given/ copies of certificates / when First Aid ect need renewing is also very useful as you can overlook things and then as time moves on you forget to chase things up - as well as the ticklist for induction as stated above. xD

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