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Hi i need some help.


Each term i write out invoices for about 40 children by hand using a template.


Dear parent/carere of _________________

your fees for the _____________ term are now due.

The amount payable is ______________

as is worked out as ___ hrs attended minus 15 hours nursery grant funding totals ___


any way you get the idea.


Money then comes in and I write a reciept for each person.


Does any one use a program on the computer. Not sure if it will be quicker but its worth a try.


We are a playgroup.


many thanks



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We write our invoices by hand........


but then we don't have loads to do usually because most of the children only use their 15 hour entitlement

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am also a playgroup


my administrator has a silimar thing but it is a template on the computer and each letter is then popped into an envelope with the childs name on and they return the fees in that envelope. she then writes out a recipet in a reciept book so we still have a copy


we are at present looking at nursery software to make this easier, but not sure which to buy yet.

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I generally use one of the templates that comes with microsoft word. There's loads to chose from and you can personalise them as you wish.


Currently ours says 'Fees in respect of sessions in April 2010 £xxxxx, comprising x morning sessions, x afternoon sessions and x lunches.


Prompt payment would be appreciated.


On the back I have the non-payment of fees policy.


I have only 3 parents who want bills for the whole month/term whatever; the bulk pay weekly (which is a pain and I think I may encourage monthly, especially for those who are only paying for a lunchtime a week!)

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We use Pre-Schooler software but I haven't been terribly impressed with it, admitedly we only purchased the trial version, mainly because it couldn't show me how many children for ratios were in in each of the 5 sessions we do, ie a breakdown for breakfast, morning, lunch, afternoon, and afterschool.


In Dorset a few groups are trialing Superfox, before being given to all setttings. Haven't tried it yet so cannot comment at the moment.

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I bought the datamove preschooler software and am still getting the hang of it but overall its great and has made my invoices more professional. It keeps track of what's paid, as long as you log payments made regularly and you can also print lists of birthdays, emergency contacts, key person info etc

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Superfox has been on offer to settings in Kent for almost two years now, I've been using it from the begining and trialling upgrades as new versions are released for the owner Keith.


It takes a little while to get all the initial info on; at least a day, but worth it in the end.


Does registers, mailing lists, invoices/statements, late payment reminders, room planning etc. Now I have everything on it I wouldn't be without it.



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Good to know you like Superfox. This is on trial in Dorset, then the plan is to give it out to all settings I believe.


Can I pick your brains?


The problem I have at the moment with Pre-Schooler is that is doesn't give me the total number of children for each session that we run.








What I need is the total number of children in each session, including the number of 2 year olds, so that I can see at a glance how many spaces we have and how many staff are needed. We have some children attending sessionally, others all day.


With pre-schooler we seem to be able to pick out breakfast club, but the rest are jumbled on one page of the register. We phoned for support but they seemed to think we were unusual.


Would Superfox be able to show this?

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Hi Deb


Superfox would show all this in two ways, the registers are split into am and pm and have a summary page showing the numbers of children and the ages of children attending am and pm. It also has what is called a timeline for each day, not something you can print off but view on screen, this shows all children and their starting and finishing times for a each day and totals of each age at the bottom. Keith is working on finalising the room planner to create more than one room and allocate staff to meet ratios.


Its still a work in progress but with provider and LA input ie me and someone from our LA we are adding and tweaking all the time. If your LA are offering it and it is free there is no harm in giving it a go, I have not tried anyother systems as they all cost so much.



Edited by BMG
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Hi Maz


Have a look at the link below (hope it works) - it tells you all about Superfox, it doesn't look like your LA has signed up for it but maybe they could be persuaded if they talk to an LA that is offering it. I don't know how much it would cost for an individual purchase or the level of support you get.





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Thanks BMG I did have a good look yesterday - I shall have to lobby my Local Authority. It looks like a great tool which would reduce my monthly operating costs, especially since it appears to do salaries as well!



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Hello again Maz


Although it looks like it does payroll it sort of does. You can input staff hours in a similar way to children's attendance and at the end of the month or what ever your pay period and can use the total hours to work out pay less tax and NI and then you can enter these details on the form that has been produced showing worked hours.


I'm not so sure I'm making any sense, I'll have to have a quick look at it to check



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The trouble with superfox is that most of the people i came across already had similar set up that they like me had created themselves, i did the training just a shame it was 5 years to late when all my stuff was up and running


i think if you havent it is a good system

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Oh Deb do give it a try, have they given you the training? There is a dummy set of data on the discs and you should have an A4 folder with the user manual to help you.


Its good as you can install it on more than one computer, say at work and at home; each time you use it it is simple to back up on the computer and on a memory stick and then you can transfer the up date version to the other computer. I find this so useful as I own the nursery and am always taking work home with me, its always handy to have the up to date information at home as well as at work.


Go on give it a go!!!



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Sorry Maz, didn't mean to rub it in! :o


Our previous administrator went on the training, she has now left (very careless of me but that's another story).


Currently interviewing for new administrator and have suggested that this is one of her first jobs. Fortunately we have the support of our local SureStart business advisor who has offered to support us in the process.


Having had a bit of a testing time over the last few weeks, things are looking up!


Even heard today that we received a Level 1 in our recent Early Years Quality Improvement Audit - a much needed pat on the back for a lot of hard work by our staff team.

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Even heard today that we received a Level 1 in our recent Early Years Quality Improvement Audit - a much needed pat on the back for a lot of hard work by our staff team.

Things are definitely looking up then Deb! I'll be interested to hear how you get on with Superfox!



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