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Safe Recruitment


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Hi can anyone help - we seriously need to review our recruitment procedures - and policy (that currently doesn't exist) in view of safeguarding issues. Do any of you fab people have anything you could share?

We are a small voluntary run setting with 5 staff including myself - I am the only one to even have had an interview (as a new manager)- the others have been known to setting previously and even asked to do the job, so we have no set procedure etc. Thankfully staff turnover is low, but I am aware this is a gap for us - especially as Mrs O is due any day now!


Any advice appreciated



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I've just ordered that publication - my Ofsted is due soon and it was a worry for me too. My development worker said that Mrs O is likely to look at the procedures for the most recent recruitment, which is lucky because I'm doing that at the moment!



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I'll post our staffing policy and standard reference request letter here for you tomorrow when I'm back in the office. Even if you haven't used anything like them so far you can take what you need from mine and at least show what you'll use in future.

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Also if your Local Authority is doing any Safer Recruitment training - or you can do an online course in it ( there are some out there I know in Portsmouth we have access to one by a company called Qwango) then get yourself booked on that - even if it's not done by the time Mrs O comes it shows you have thought about and planned for it. A copy of the ISA document would also help , you can download it from here.




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Here you go carmen - hope these are of use to you.


I've attached a copy of our staffing and employment policy, a sample offer of employment letter and a sample reference request. I always put a pro forma and SAE in with the request as IME people are more likely to complete a simple form and post it back than if you just ask for a written reference.




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Thanks for this Deb, it looks very comprehensive. I have a couple of queries though.


Firstly I have always been a bit confused about why I am being asked to confirm my staff member's salary on a reference form. Surely that is a matter between the prospective employer and future employee? Can I ask you why you have asked for this information in the reference?


Also, I notice that you have asked the person giving the reference to comment on whether the staff member has a criminal conviction. I wonder what the legal position is here - I know that it will be illegal for someone to try and get a job without declaring that they have a conviction which makes them unsuitable to work with children, as it will be for an employer to hire someone they know has such a conviction. However I wonder what my position is with regard to an employee who has a conviction that has shown up on a CRB but doesn't bar them from working with children? Do I have to (indeed am I allowed to?) disclose this information to a third party?


All very timely for me, since I need to do this sort of stuff for my new employee, so thanks for making my brain cells tick over!



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Wow you lot are fab!


Thank you so much I'm sure I'll come up with something from all your help. The CWDC course looks interesting too. And it's nice to know someone else is struggling with this area!


Thanks again


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Thanks for this Deb, it looks very comprehensive. I have a couple of queries though.


Firstly I have always been a bit confused about why I am being asked to confirm my staff member's salary on a reference form. Surely that is a matter between the prospective employer and future employee? Can I ask you why you have asked for this information in the reference?


Also, I notice that you have asked the person giving the reference to comment on whether the staff member has a criminal conviction. I wonder what the legal position is here - I know that it will be illegal for someone to try and get a job without declaring that they have a conviction which makes them unsuitable to work with children, as it will be for an employer to hire someone they know has such a conviction. However I wonder what my position is with regard to an employee who has a conviction that has shown up on a CRB but doesn't bar them from working with children? Do I have to (indeed am I allowed to?) disclose this information to a third party?


All very timely for me, since I need to do this sort of stuff for my new employee, so thanks for making my brain cells tick over!






I have had this before on a couple of occasions, and it is at your discretion really. in one case the person had told me prior to the CRB so when they contacted me I was able to say I was aware and was happy to employ , the CRB peope were happy with the decision ( non child related offence) In the second case I had a conversation witn the person concerned- asked them what the conviction was and to clarify, they told me exactly what the CRB agency had told me and apolgised - they thought the conviction was 'spent' and wasn't child related so not admissable. I was not allowed to disclose to a third party, there was just a note on the bottom of the employers CRB check letter when I recieved it and thats on the individuals confidential file . Who would you need to disclose this info too if you are the person hiring and firing ?

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Hi Maz


I wondered too about asking for confirmation of the person's salary, I thought that I would edit that out on a case by case basis if I thought it was relevant, which I don't on my current quest for an administrator because it's not relevant in this individual case. I wonder if you had based your offer of a hourly rate on what the person has said they were earning previously, even in part, then found out they weren't earning that, it would be an indication of their honesty. However, I would certainly consider this question carefully.


As for the question about a conviction, I hadn't thought of that so thanks for bringing that to my attention. I simply copied a current example of a reference in circulation from a reputable and relevant source. I don't think you could ask a previous employer to disclose that information if had been obtained through the CRB process. Though if the person say had been dismissed for stealing from the till, and the company's recruitment process didn't involve a CRB check it might be OK to ask??


As there are already questions relating to child protection, I will take that question out. I already ask that question on my job application form and of course we are covered by the fact that we seek CRB checks.


It's a minefield isn't it!



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The CRB are very strict about who can and can't have access to the information given in a disclosure.


It is unlawaful for an employer to pass on the information contained in the disclosure - quote here from http://www.crb.homeoffice.gov.uk/guidance/...osure_info.aspx





In accordance with section 124 of the Police Act 1997, Certificate information is only passed to those who are authorised to receive it in the course of their duties. We maintain a record of all those to whom Certificates or Certificate information has been revealed and it is a criminal offence to pass this information to anyone who is not entitled to receive it."






Certificate information is only used for the specific purpose for which it was requested and for which the applicant’s full consent has been given."


Hope that's of use.



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Have just found an online training module for pre-schools/nurseries etc on Safer Recruitment by the CDWC - just log inot the CDWC site and it's listed on the homepage - not sure what it contains as I just registered but may be worth a look ! xD


Sooooo............this is how I have spent the last 3 hours - I failed :( although I'm really fed up with myself about this........I am also really pleased that it is rigorous and that you won't just 'sail through'........that said I suppose I could be the only person not to have passed :o


Can't bear to go back to it now........but will try again another day.....


Anyone else taken this and how did you do?


Much better than me I expect :(:(

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I tried this twice and failed.The first time i did some of it but it didn't save so the next time I sat their for 5 hours till i finished it. Now i seem to get through everyones e-mails to cdwc!! They can't access their certificate.

I have received safe recruitment from educare. This looks better because as with all their courses its split up into modules.

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I love the educare courses, have used them for health & safety,food and hygiene,supervisory management,child protection and equality and diversity and am about to start safer recruitment. We can do them in our own time. If there is something that you cannot answer you can go back and read certain bits more closely.All staff much prefer this way of training and we have the paper copy to share afterwards.

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Guest jenpercy

You are most certainly NOT allowed to ask for or receive information on convictions. This is against human rights and information legislation. In fact, you should destroy the CRB after no longer than (6 months?). After all you will get the info on convictions when you apply for CRB.

You should ask whether the person concerned has received any discplinary warnings and what for.

please add a Health Declaration with permission for a doctor's report. Can't go into details but we have just had a terrible time with member of staff with undeclared problems. I am getting one from 4Children soon and will post it

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