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Fees Policy And Example Invoice


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Thought this might get lost in policies discussion.

Please find attached my Fees policy and then an example invoice which helps with calculations of funded /non funded sessions.



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Here is the example invoice, when opening it may ask questions it is ok to "enable" then any other boxes that appear just click ok.


Hope these are useful.



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Thank you Steve and yes, self taught on excel and all things computor. (blush, blush)


It has developed over the last 3 years. It certainly saves a lot of time as all the calculations are done by just entering the number of sessions per week section ( 1st 2 lots of figures)


I did post it once before on the discussion about top-ups.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Peggy,


Sorry not to reply before but only just found it. Thanks for the fee policy , I will adapt it to suit our pre-school, we have just had someone who owes us a lot of money disapear, funny how suddenly she crosses the road, won't answer her mobile and is bad mouthing us. After all we did to try and help her :oxD:(


I can't open the invoice :( tried to open it the same way as the policy but it wouldn't.



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Hi Steve


Sorry if this is a silly question!


When I click on the link I get this message:


The error returned was:

Sorry, some required files are missing, if you intended to view a topic, it's possible that it's been moved or deleted. Please go back and try again



Could that mean I do not have excel? I thought I had :o

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Hope steve can help you. Sorry to hear about your parent owing lots. You should consider going to "small claims court" procedure, sometimes the initial letter produces payment, especially if she/he is claiming tax credit for childcare :o .


I did this once many moons ago, and word soon got round that fees are as important as any other household bill.


Are you committee or private? If committee, they are responsible for ensuring payments of debts because as a charity this is public money.


It does make me cross when people do not pay, there is enough support out there with Childcare costs linked to working family tax credit, the grant funding, most settings have easy payment options. It's normally due to lack of financial management rather than affordability. Parents costs are also subsidised by our low wages.


rant over now, good luck anyway.



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Oh Peggy,


Don't mind the rant I have been doing that for a while now and sometimes feel like I will blow a gasket :oxD:(


We are committee run and in the past have gone to the small claims court (with another parent) but got nothing the family had been on two yes two holidays abroad, Deep breaths calm down gizzy. This other parent is spending it on amongst other things cigarettes and drink, will finish now as even typing about it gets me all wound up.


Off to lie down in a darkend room!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thanks Steve for sorting it out.


Wow Peggy what a professional looking fee's bill. Thanks for shareing it with us all.



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Thanks Steve,

Gizzy, I have just charged a parent the 5% for late payment, 1st time i've done it, so I'm not sure how they will take it. :o My justification is that my bank just sent me a letter to re-new my business overdraft facility at a charge of £100 xD . This is an annual "arrangement" fee, just to have an overdraft, if I go into it ( because parents haven't paid on time) then I have interest to pay as well.


I am a very small business, like many, and can't afford to have late or non payers. Unfortunately we cannot ( and shouldn't) make judgement on what people choose to spend their money on, but what we can do is have stringent, consistant, systems in place to ensure that fees are paid in advance, or at least do not go more than, at most, one week in arrears.


This is hard, but we wouldn't fill our shopping trolley and tell the cashier, "I'll pay next week", now would we :(




p.s. I spoke to my business bank manager today, ( been trying to get hold of him since Friday), He normally see's me once a year, so took this opportunity to arrange a meeting. He added, because he didn't get back to me straight away he would "knock off" £50 from my overdraft fee. I said, how generous of you but actually, when we meet I would like to discuss closing my business overdraft facility and having a higher one on my current account which incurs NO CHARGE, I think he's looking forward to seeing me on Monday (not).

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Good luck on Monday Peggy.


Well our late payer has done a bunk to another pre-school. One of my ex staff is the supervisor there so phoned to check up on what was happening, the child and parent come with a lot of baggage. Can't take her to the small claims court as she has nothing in her house. Does anyone know if it can be taken out of her income support at source, doubt it just wondering.



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Gizzy, This may sound a bit political, and I know it is not the case for everybody.


I used to be a single parent ( 1 son) on income support, I worked 15 hrs a week in preschool while my son attended.


My colleague ( worked similar hours) who was married ( Hubby worked) also had a son.


As all my rent, council tax etc was paid through income support, I was financially ( cash in my pocket each week) better off than my married friend, both parents working. :o


It is about money management, prioritise etc. I know this doesn't help you, but there is so much support out there for parents childcare costs and I'm fed up with my staff and myself subsidising ( through low wages).

Just had to stop myself from repeating an earlier rant.



p.s. It's my bank manager that will need "good luck" on Monday. :D or he might lose a customer.

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I do think debts taken through the courts can be retrieved through income support, but not sure how this works.

Maybe citizens advice can help.



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Thanks for the above post Peggy and the rant. I whole hartedly agree. I have single parents who won't even try to find work as they are financially much better off if they are at home. Not that I would want any parent with young kids to work but that is another rant for later. We have an area where a quite a few of our children come from that is full of one parent families or families on the dole.


I just get a bit p----d off when parents go away on holiday or smoke and drink rather a lot and then can't pay the tiny fees we now ask xD


Good luck to the bank manager I wouldn't like to be in his shoes (these wishes maybe a first :o )

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Wendy

Welcome to the forum.

I think perhaps Peggy's attachments have disappeared because she has come to the limit of the amount of attachments she can post and so has deleted some of the earlier ones. She may be kind and put them on again for us, as last time I couldn't access them because my PC didn't have Excel. Or you could send her a personal message and she may be able to e-mail them to you.


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Hi all -

Sorry I've caught up late yet again! Hopefully you shouldn't have any more problems with the attachments Peggy? Did you delete the original ones manually before I raised your attachment space?


In any event, the Excel files should work fine now and in the future (he said confidently! ). :)

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I'm sure everything is fine being in your capable hands, Steve.

I did delete the originals when my attachment "capacity" was limited. Can your server cope with all the ones I've added since the zero limit? or is it more complicated than that?




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To change the calculations try the following- but forgive me if you can't understand my explanation xD


I'm not sure, but you should be able to make changes to the figures to meet your own needs in your setting. ie:change the top figures, number of sessions etc and the others should calculate automatically.


If the calculation is wrong for you, you can change it by selecting the cell and typing =sum( then click ie: on number of sessions per week cell, then type X 15 or how ever many weeks you are open for, then finish by typing ) then press enter.


On this particular example if you select total number of sessions for the term you will see the calculation =sum(cell reference x 15)-1 . The minus 1 is because we are closed bank holiday. Does this make it clearer or more confusing??? :o



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