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Nappy Changing

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Our sessions run from 9 to 12 and we take children from 2 until they leave for school. Whether they are in nappies or not so my question to you guys is do you change the children that are nappies only if if it is needed or do you just change all of them regardless of whether they need dong or not. My thoughts are that it is best practice to change all of them however is both a waiste of money (for parents Imean) and time e.g. if a child is comfortable what is the point in disturbing them from their activities in which valuable learning is taking place.

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My thoughts are that it is best practice to change all of them

I'm not sure I'd agree with you that it is best practice to change all the children whether they need changing or not - isn't this making children fit in with our routines and systems rather than making our routines meet their needs?


We only change children who need changing.



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I'm genuinally interested to hear why a nappy wouldn't be changed if it wasn't dirty? What is the argument for this? Why would it be considered best practise? Since I don't have children myself and my only experience with very small babies was when my mum was a childminder over 10 years ago I'm struggling to come up with reasons. Is it something to do with the nappies becomming hot and sweaty? Like I said this is a genuine question, I always thought nappies were left on until they were soiled!


EDIT: Also what would happen if the child needed to go straight after the fresh nappy was put on, wouldn't that involve changing it again almost straight away?

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Children in modern disposable nappies happily go twelve hours through the night in one nappy. As long as they haven,t soiled nappies and have no underlying skin conditions I can't see any problem with children being in a nappy from waking until lunchtime. Childen of two may be becoming aware of their toiletting needs and may want to be changed as soon as they are wet. I wouldn't disturb them otherwise.



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We used to change all the children at set points in the day but it felt like we were doing it because we should, not because i was for the child's benefit. Now each Key Person checks their children through the day but only changes them when the child needs to. This has meant the Key Person has to get to know the child and their routine, shows that we value the child's nappy needs, not just the nappy changing process and cuts down on waste - it would be like going to the toilet, doing nothing and then flushing away unused loo roll

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We change when needed BUT do have some parents that demand their child is changed at a set time (no health probs or anything) :o

This is sometimes not always possible as you out there in the real world know xD


Oh its 10.30 Little Jonny needs a nappy change!!! don't worry that someone has fallen over and staff are ensuring all ok or someone has wet themselves and then walked it everywhere or the fire alarm goes off CHANGE NAPPY I don't think so.


We do our VERY best for all children in session and yes the nappy will be changed as parents requested but at a safe and convient time for all children and adults.

Ofsed were more than happy with this



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I always like to send them home in a clean nappy - but I think that is psychological maybe. Or perhaps because one little boy I minded would poo 5 mins before his mum came, so he always went home clean, so I just did that for everyone? Also, I use cloth nappies for my children, and they would need a clean nappy in a 3 hour session.

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