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Hi can anyone help with evidence for Eyclo 9 E115 please especially part 2.


9.1 develop self to improve performance


9.2 manage their own time and resources to meet their objectives


many thanks



Just rooted my EYCLO 9 out


A) PDP created during E215 Activity 2.35

:o Early Years Practitioner Status Self assessment questionaire (identifying development needs at appropriate level)

C) Details obtained about EY communication skills - course content information on beginners course in makaton

(assessment of my own performance resulted in identification of this development need )


D) I had an emails from the course chair and a member of the course team reflecting my competance (using ICT skills to enhance my professional role)

E) Reflective diary account of my time management skills in achieving objective of completing children's profiles

F)Message of appreciation for my contributions to E215 Route B forum (which apparently showed my ability to plan activities so they are consistent with my personal resources!)


Does this help at all. Don't forget the PPA sheets I found them invaluable for finding evidence for EYCLos, it also helps to think outside the box sometimes - good luck


I used timetables for accessing forums/organising research in setting and also a study timetable I made myself during a nearly disastrous overlap of courses.... also had better disappear, supposed to be doing ECA for E215!!!


Sue :o


thanks for that only two sections but really hard to evidence time.


Nearly finished E115 now where did the time go. Had to fill in a form to say when will get EYPS wait for it 2013 seems so far away.


thanks again



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