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E-profiles: Are They Any Good?


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Hi everyone

Maybe you have had this discussion already - if so, apologies and could someone please re-direct me to the old postings? If you haven't, I would really like to hear what FS staff think about the e-profile. We currently use a document compiled by our LEA but it is very lengthy and a classful of profiles fills 3 Lever arch files: loads of page turning and not exactly handy to cart about. I like the idea of e-profiles but do they save time? Is there space to date/note the evidence we have collected? I see that the e-profile can be used to generate an end of year 'school report'. Does anyone use this? Would love to hear what you think.

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Hi MissesP -

I think the general consensus from many conversations seems to be that it has been much improved over the years it has been available, and certainly helps with all the documentation and record keeping you mention.


There is also an alternative if your school has any e-learning credits (it's a commercial product and costs somewhere over a hundred pounds depending on your class sizes) called Classroom Monitor. We have a product review here - I believe you can still order or download a demo. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi misses P.

I hope you have managed to read the other discussions we have had on this topic but it doesnt harm to bring them back up for attention. You dont need the permission of your LEA to use the eprofile, but the Lea may specify HOW you return your data at the end of the year. IF your LEA has not specified what format you should use, then really it is up to you as school to decide how you are going to keep your own records. The Dfee just recommends (but doesnt insist) that you check if your LEA provides technial support.


WE find the eprfoile much easier than the loads of paper you have, and yes there are small spaces to make comments. We were not allowed to use them for reports as our head wanted a corporate image for the whole school, so perhasp others can comment on this, but they are quite straightforward to do and certainly timesaving.


I think id have a look at it and see what you think, you can only really get an idea by playing around with it yourself.

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Hi, we send our data electonically to the LEA so is this eprofile? Our secretary has sent off the data for the past 2 years (I give her my paper work) but she said she's not doing it again :o so I'm going to need time to be taught how to use it. I've just tried downloading it but got stuck when it asked for school DFEE number. Has any one else managed to get on just to look?

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Oh! Just got a bit further-I was inpatient and didn't read properly-the password is just password. However, I couldn't see much more without having class list in there and wasn't sure how to do this just as a tester (dont want to start putting upn numbers in ) Couldn't see profile points either.

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Ok hi Zim.

Ill need some help from some very kind person here but one of the LEAS has a downloadable set of dummy names that you can download to try out the profile in exactly the way you want to. sadly I cant rememer which one but I do know that someone put it up as a link on here. If noone comes to our rescue, I can try and email the file to you but again I would have to rememeber where it is on my comopter!!


You will need tthe schols DFEE number if you decide to use the profile fr real and yea it does sound like that is what you have been using for the transfer of data to the LEA. Your office manager should know that thouhg. Although some schools in my LEA ARE using te epfrofile in this way (ie just to send the dat at te end of the year) personllay I cant see the point of this. I cant see any purpose to duplicating information but I am sure if anyone is dong this, they will come up with a good rason why that I havent thouhgt of.


Does that help, or I have just muddied the watres even more?

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i'm not so certain that because your admin send the results electronically it means your authority have supported eprofiles. My results were sent electronically but we didn't (have eprofiles). It was just the way via sims or similar that the LEA got any data from us. Most LEA's will probably have an electronic return these days I should think.


From the guidance on the strategy website: "If their LEA is able to provide technical support, schools may also use the electronic Foundation Stage Profile (eProfile) as a means of recording progress. It provides direct input into the MIS for submitting results to the LEA. "

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We used the e-profile last year and were very happy with it.

Over the year we added our assessments and comments and then in July used it to generate our end of year reports. It was a lot of work but definitely an improvement on the previous year where we handwrote the profile booklet.

The e-profiles were received very positively by our parents as each of the six areas had a photo of their child doing something related to that subject plus a personalised comment.

It also had a statement for each of the ELG's the child had achieved.

We created our own cover with Word and added a class photo.

We were very much on tenterhooks when it came to priting the booklet out but it all went fine!



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I despise files full of paper with a passion.


and being ICT co-ordinator it's only right I lead the way by using the e-profile! :)


But yes, I find it so useful... I can send updates to the office over the LAN every month too... at the end (or anytime you like) you can print out graphs showing incremental progress in any of the areas, and you can also see where the gaps in your assessment are.


I think it make the whole job much more user friendly.

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Hi Mundina, not sure whether it is eprofile now! Could you send me a copy? :) Or can anyone remember where the link was to the LEA who had done the set of dummy names?

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Hi Mundina, not sure whether it is eprofile now! Could you send me a copy? :) Or can anyone remember where the link was to the LEA who had done the set of dummy names?

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Paulparkie-do you have a nursery? Is eprofile JUST the profile points and not the stepping stones? if so, does it not connect to when they were in nursery? (our Record of achievement follows through you see)

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Hi Zim,

Manchester should offer you the training if you are going to send off the data. It's not hard if you have the instructions right by you... :o

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Hi Mundina, not sure whether it is eprofile now!  Could you send me a copy? :)  Or can anyone remember where the link was to the LEA who had done the set of dummy names?



Zim, yes we have a nursery. The e-profile dosen't do anything that highlighting a regular paper copy would for you in terms of the children moving from nursery to reception. But it is much easier to manipulate and share assessment and any other data

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Thanks horsechestnut-i'll find out.

thanks paulparkie-so the eprofile doesn't include the stepping stones then? sorry to sound really thick. Basically, its just for reception teachers to fill in? Is that right?

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yup just for reception teachers. bascially, it's no different to the normal profile... it's just electronic...


though, we are discussing the nursery teacher entering information onto it right at the end of the nursery year, so that when the children arive in recpetion, we have a starting point, and then in that case, the data can just be transferred from one computer to another.


Don't be scared though... the e-profile is really good, and easy... you should try using it :D

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Hello everyone


I am quite new to this forum and am wondering if you can help me. I am a foundation stage coordinator in charge of a FSU, therefore I have children on the profile. I have not used and electronic version or even seen one but would be very interested in doing so . Can anyone tell me where to go to find out more?


Thanks :)

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Can you work on the eProfiles at school on one computer and take the data home to continue work at home? I don't want to use just a laptop becasue I find carrying around a memory stick much more convenient and have also had a laptop stolen from school.

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Hi Judith, yes you can!!

If my memory serves me correct, it isnt recommended that you use the eprofile on a school network, so we have always used laptops and home computers. You need to save a backup copy each time you use it. If you are using the latest version, you need to select data files/backup and then select where you want to back up your data. You need to rememeber to do this every tme you use it!


Does that help?

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Thank you. That has encouraged me to have a look at the latest version. That you could use it on only one machine was a major drawback of an earlier version.

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  • 4 years later...

Help! I work as a nursery teacher overseas and am tring to use the eye profile. I have managed to use my old classes UPNs as dummy codes but I have 2 extra children in this class so am short two UPNs!!!

Can anyong help me by letting me know a dummy UPN

Thank you!!

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  • 1 month later...


We used the e-profile last year and were very happy with it.

Over the year we added our assessments and comments and then in July used it to generate our end of year reports. It was a lot of work but definitely an improvement on the previous year where we handwrote the profile booklet.

The e-profiles were received very positively by our parents as each of the six areas had a photo of their child doing something related to that subject plus a personalised comment.

It also had a statement for each of the ELG's the child had achieved.

We created our own cover with Word and added a class photo.

We were very much on tenterhooks when it came to priting the booklet out but it all went fine!





I love the idea of adding a photo for each area of learning but how did you manage to put this onto the eyeprofile?

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Hi, we too are just about to use the eyeprofile for the first time and were also wondering about adding pictures. Is this possible ??? If so how? :o


Maz x

Edited by mfolland
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