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Have You Voted?!

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Our polling station is our preschool, so I voted and then went to sort the art cupboard!


Tried to vote tactically but you never can tell ...

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Haven't voted yet - waiting for Mrs Weasley to get home from school to make sure she actually goes and votes. I'm not poll clerking this year (sooo disappointed) but I am helpting with the count tonight for the Windsor constitutency. So I'm at home (we're closed today too because our hall is a polling station) getting my operational plan ready for Mrs Ofsted. Am rewarding myself with a little period on here every so often to keep my morale up.


Will have a little nap this afternoon to make sure I can stay awake tonight! I love election night and always stay up to see who gets in. Shame I didn't think about that when I volunteered for the count, but it will be exciting to be part of things.


There. I think my election anorak credentials are well evidenced! :o



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I now have a picture of Mrs Weasley being dragged along by an ear - you will vote! xD:(


I have been very 'controlled' thus far - no. 2 son has had an early finish at work and has just called in - I didn't even ask 'have you voted yet'? I will not be able to keep this up........itching to ring and remind him :o no resist, resist :(


How exciting to be involved in the count!

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I now have a picture of Mrs Weasley being dragged along by an ear - you will vote! :o:(

We've had many conversations about what it is all about, and who each party leader is and what they stand for. I think she's worked out who she's going to vote for but I don't want apathy to get in the way. Besides, its her first time so that's a bit special isn't it?


And yes, I do keep reminding her that pioneer women died to give her the privilege of voting...


I wonder if there will be any of those toe-curling moments in this year's election? You know like when Stephen Twigg took Michael Portillo's seat? xD



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Haven't voted yet - waiting for Mrs Weasley to get home from school to make sure she actually goes and votes. Maz



I too had visions of Mrs W being dragged off to vote!


I have voted this afternoon, quite surpising how busy it was in the middle of the afternoon. Well I have been to work and been for a level 1 adult numeracy exam too.


Mums not voting this time around, dont blame her at her age, she voted all her life!



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voted last week by post..... I have always voted ever since I was old enough but this is the most important year. As I have only been working in the early years for 3 years I have never had to think about how my vote may actually affect my daily life before!


I love to stay up and watch the results come in but my little girl (8 yrs) is heading of to PGL tomorow morning for the weekend with school, her first time away from home xD and I know I will be in bits in the morning anyway so I might have to get an early night - of course if I can't sleep for worrying might as well watch it :o

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I love to stay up and watch the results come in but my little girl (8 yrs) is heading of to PGL tomorow morning for the weekend with school, her first time away from home xD and I know I will be in bits in the morning anyway so I might have to get an early night - of course if I can't sleep for worrying might as well watch it :o


Ok compeletely off topic!


Wow PGL rocks, I have been last weekend to the one near Preston. Its wicked, the staff are great, if shes a fussy eater the group leader 'groupie' will make sure she has something to eat. Just don't worry and enjoy your weekend off. ::): She will come home telling about what shes done!




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Ok compeletely off topic!


Wow PGL rocks, I have been last weekend to the one near Preston. Its wicked, the staff are great, if shes a fussy eater the group leader 'groupie' will make sure she has something to eat. Just don't worry and enjoy your weekend off. ::): She will come home telling about what shes done!





My Grandson will be going on a PGL week this year.........I asked him what PGL stands for - he answered with great authority ...........Parents Get Lost! :o

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Nope not yet, simply cos I couldn't face going in after a surestart messy play session with my daughter :o will go when my hubby gets home from work I think.

I don't intend to watch it but after hearing Jeremy Vine talking on the radio the other day about tv studio's set I think I have to just to see it!

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Just back from voting - my friend campbells is Presiding Officer and we gave a little round of applause as Mrs Weasley put her ballot paper in the box!



Yay - I'm giving her a little clap too! Would she like me to put a 'Wow' in the post for her? :o


I would word like this........


We are so pleased with Mrs Weasley, she is showing such good progress, today she has voted for the first time - very, very well done! xD

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hi all

Just wondering with so many of you saying your sons/daughters have voted for the first time- my son waited eagely for his first voting card but did not get one (he was 18 in April)did we forget to do something/fill something in!!!! Unsworth

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My daughter and I have been and voted. Then spoke to my mum who lives in Liverpool, she had 2 votes, one for local then one for Brown, Clegg, Cameron etc.


Bit concerned now that I only had 1. Has anyone else only had 1, who has had 2?


I have been back to the polling station to ask but there was a long queue waiting.


Any ideas???

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I wenta fter schhol an said totally the wrong thing... The chap in charge asked me if I was who it said on the card, my reply was that I used to be! Cue funny looks and raised eyebrows, realised I needed to explain and said I'd just got married and hadreceived my polling card before the wedding. He watched me every second I was in there!!

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hi all

Just wondering with so many of you saying your sons/daughters have voted for the first time- my son waited eagely for his first voting card but did not get one (he was 18 in April)did we forget to do something/fill something in!!!! Unsworth


Oh what a shame....did you include him on the Electoral Register Form....they were sent out some time ago......

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