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Shouting one very loud "ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" sorry just have to let off steam - had one of those days all to do with Pre School related stuff, and it is my day off!!!!


I have not been into work and had planned a lovely day - studying my OU stuff this morning and pottering this afternoon.

So why do so many people think it's ok to call me at home with issues concerning children, parents and pre School general business? and I am talking about professionals and external agencies here, not colleagues (Ofsted being one of them)


I haven't given my home number out to any of the 'external agencies' concerned as far as I know, so why do they feel they need to speak to me at home and not my colleagues at work.

Sorry - thought I had my day organised - now I have more things to put on my 'to do' list.

I now you'll understand. Just had to vent my frustration somewhere.

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Makes you wonder where they got your number from - hopefully not a friendly colleague in pre-school who thought she was being helpful! :o


My remedy would be a nice cup of tea and a chocolate biscuit xD before you move on to what you can salvage of your day. :(



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There is definately a perception that we are available 24/7 - I have had calls on bank holidays, sundays, late evenings - the best one yet being 11.40PM SATURDAY NIGHT and only this morning someone (same person) tried three times before 8AM before taking the hint to leave a message on the answerphone - we don't open until 9AM. We are a church hall setting with just a mobile (no landline) which is also my personal phone (to keep costs down) however the frequency of these out of hours calls is continually increasing so no doubt I will be getting another mobile purely for personal stuff.

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Do you know I wondered what that noise was around 3 o'clock - that was some scream! :o


Joking aside - you have my every sympathy - this sort of thing happens to me all the time :( - I should have a word with your team and find out who has been giving your home number to these callers :(


As Maz suggested - cuppa, biscuit and it will soon be late enough for something a little stronger! xD

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Aww thanks - did a bit of detective work - no phone calls to work for me today - and not one of my colleagues would give anyones home number out (I did know this really - it's an unwritten rule)....so this makes me wonder - are these 'professionals' so desperate to talk to me that they are using the phone directory? Hahahaha it beggars belief!

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X directory works for us, well that and having no home phone.


Our setting mobile is switched off out of hours so people have to phone then or drop in. I certainly wouldnt want to speak to Ofsted on my day off. Next time, if there is one, tell them you're in A&E and you'll phone back when the rash clears!

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I've always happily accepted calls at home as has our registration secretary (member of staff) BUT in the last year it has got silly with calls late at night (I never phone anyone after 9pm - even family!) at mealtimes etc. The playgroup mobile is only available during session time and we emphasise it is for emergency contact only -otherwiswe leave a message. We have now bought another mobile phone £14.99 (including £10 calls!) which will be checked daily by a member of staff up to 7pm and any messages dealt with if necessary.

It is amazing how parents who wouldn't dream of trying to contact a school out of hours seem to think it is perfectly OK to disrupt our family time.


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We have just a mobile and the first and last thing I do each day when arriving or departing is to switch the mobile on/off. If no one answers the phone or it's swithched off then people can leave a voice mail. However it's quite extraordinary how late some of the messages are left I picked up one the other day that had been left at 10. 15 in the evening and it was just a general enquiry from a prospective parent.

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Our setting has a mobile phone - this is what I can't understand. It is switched on during the opening times and off when we are closed So yesterday it was on, because Pre School was open - so why oh why did people decide to phone me at home on my home number? They didn't even try Pre School first!!!!!

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Maybe time to get tough and insist that it's your day off and that they need to contact the pre-school directly or wait until another day (although easier said than done when it's OFSTED calling or someone who you've been chasing up for ages!)

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