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Forum Upgrade


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Hi all -

The new forum software is now in place. there are still a couple of glitches which I'm sorting out as I come across them (yes I know the date sausage has been squashed but we'll have that sorted soon! :o )


I was going to give you a list of new features straightaway, but my brain is hurting at the moment so I'm going to pick the kids up from school and then carry on. Let me know of any severe problems you might come across, but otherwise you should assume that I'll fix problems like only showing 4 posts on the index page instead of ten very very soon! :)


Also, I know the text in the posts is looking a bit small. I'll finish that very soon as well! xD

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Hello Steve

Forgot you were doing this so was quite surprised when I logged in. I like it-no honestly I do!!! xD

Can you please explain this first? What are all the little slices of cucumber and radish for? :o And what are they warning us of??????? :(


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Hi Susan/Linda -

Thanks for the feedback. I'm still calming down after a blood pressure raising 4 hours! xD


Susan, I much prefer the old buttons and icon images, and as soon as I can remember where I put them I'll put them back! :o Deleted the old directory on the server and although I know I put them somewhere safe, I can't remember which pocket I left them in...


Linda, the warnings are a public warning system so I can show yellow cards to anyone who doesn't respect me properly...


Actually, that's always been there but I don't like the idea much so that's on my list to take care of as well. But I don't know how much longer this old brain can carry on for today. I used to have so much stamina *sigh*

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Go and have a well deserved lie down Steve!! I'm sure we will all get along just fine for now. There are a few new interesting buttons etc. but I'm sure we can all wait a while longer to find out what they are!


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Yes, have a rest, health and safety, too long at the computer screen etc...., I sent an email some areas I can access, others say I need to log on....I can wait for this to rectify itself or discover if it is me the user and not you the programmer :D




p.s. like the tabs at the bottom of all the forum areas :D

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It's the little circles just to the left underneath your name and details! I've never noticed them before. I thought they were new!! Just shows how much I must notice things!! xD Just thought the green ones looked especially like slices of cucumber!! :o


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Hmm - well as for blue radishes Carol, I'm not sure what's going on there. but to demonstrate the warning feature, you can see a number of yours have turned red, which means you're very close to not being allowed to post any more! :o


(That was a joke, I was just trying it out before turning it off....)


Most people will have to re-input their usernames and passwords - apologies for this. I'm expecting a small stream of emails from members whose memory approaches mine in terms of leakage!


And I will, I promise, come up with a list of new features very shortly. Just need to sort out some niggling problems. LIKE THE SQUASHED UP DATE BOX WHICH IS REALLY STARTING TO IRRITATE ME!


By the way, lots of people have said (and Helen is one of them so in the interests of not getting nagged close up I've sorted it out...) that it would be good to have more than ten posts on the front page to help keep up with things. So there are now twenty! :D And yes I know it still says last ten posts! There's no pleasing some people...

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Hi Rea

No you are not going mad-the gallery does seem to have disappeared for the moment. But so have some other things like who is currently in the chat room. Steve has assured me this will all be sorted in due time.


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Thanks you all chaps!


Um - let's just imagine for one moment that I don't know what you're talking about re the attachments. What problems are you having?


Hopefully the gallery should be back up and running soon - with some extra features possibly! :)

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Thanks Hali! :)


I'm obviously getting a bit punchdrunk - sadly not the other sort of drunk - because I thought I'd posted earlier on about a couple of things, but can't find it now...


Anyway - no more squished datebox. That might not have bugged anyone else particularly, but it was getting to me!


This one is just for mundia if you're reading this mundia! :) I know how much you missed the PM notification on the forum index page when it disappeared after the last upgrade (ie 'x' new messages) so I've managed to put it back! :D


The gallery is on it's way!

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Hi -


Um, My Assistant seems to work ok for me at the moment - what's happening Catma? Not working at all or certain things not working? The javascript on the bottom bar isn't necessarily a bad thing although it might provide a clue if nothing is working on yours...


The spell checker - Doh! I'd completely forgotten about that, sorry. (though it's nice to know people use it - I wasn't sure people did...)


Who's chatting is something else I hope to be able to put back soon - apologies that these aren't getting fixed today, but with young kids around I'm forbidden from spending more than ten minutes at a time on the computer on sundays...


The search should be fixed now Carol - let me know if you have any more trouble with it. Mundia, I'll have a chat with you about the menu tomorrow hopefully!


Otherwise ok? :o


Hands up who'd like their own Blog!

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Hi Steve


I seem to be getting an error message each time I click on anything to move around the site, which did'nt happen before. Not being computer literate at all I'm not sure what it is - maybe you can understand it. It says:


"A run time error has occured. Do you wish to Debug? Line 1346 Error: Object Expected"


When I click Yes, it moves me to a site of what looks like gobbledigook!


Any ideas on how I can fix it? At the minute I just keep clicking 'No' each time.





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Hi Steve, the menu is playing up for me too although I dont know if Mundia and I have the same problem!

My FSF page tells me that I last made a post on 25 Oct 2003!! and that I dont have an avatar or signature. I think Ive been a little more active than that though!

Sometimes I can get to the current index page but sometimes not, back to Oct 2003 if try and access from the My FSF page( I think!).

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My FSF page tells me that I last made a post on 25 Oct 2003!! and that I dont have an avatar or signature. I think Ive been a little more active than that though!


Thanks for the detail Susan - fixed that! These are the perils of trying to update a live site - it's much easier to start from scratch... :o


Goldilocks - I'm not at all sure of the cause of this runtime error, but I'll investigate. If in the meantime, you uncheck the little box that says 'always report' etc., that will prevent it popping up and irritating you. The page runs ok despite the message. But I'll try to make sure the cause of the error goes away. :)

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I don't seem to have any of those problems Steve. I am getting an error on page box at the bottom left of my screen but it doesn't seem to be affecting access etc.

Just one question though.... I am so sorry because you must be really fed up by now! On our info page we seem to have lost what sort of job we do, teacher, nursery, other etc. It's quite good to know what others do.


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Well done Steve!


I've just returned after a few days away - to find all these changes!


Apart from having to remember my password, the only problem I've had is with opening attachments to some old posts. I can't seem to do it at all in some cases, but have no problem with others.


Otherwise all is fine (except that Steve has turned from an ugly old man into a little red cross - not sure which I prefer).




P.S. Add to that the absence of the spell checker (already mentioned, I know)!!!

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