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Can't Remember Being Soooo Cross!


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Just venting really on what was going to be a lovely Sunday morning until the phone rang ......


I know that in our society there are people who for whatever reason carry out acts of mindless vandalism/unprovoked physical attacks on innocent people etc etc and often get cross when I read /hear of such incidents but I am sitting here in danger of my blood boiling over :o


I guess the extent of my anger is due in part to the fact that it is my son who has been injured, my son lying in great western eye hospital anaesthetised and having glass removed from his eyes .. and why..

because whilst we were asleep in our beds he was out answering a 999 call in London, he was on 'blues and twos' or whatever they call it - driving at speed with lights and sirens blaring and then some ************* threw a brick through the police car .............. why why why xD:(:(


I know there are no answers and most importantly the news is that his eyesight should not be permanently damaged but thanks for letting me whinge/moan/vent in here!!!!

Edited by Geraldine
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Hi Geraldine,


As others have said no words from me will match the feelings you are experiencing now but wanted to say that I hope you get positive news from the hospital later and hope that your son's eyes recover quickly. What a horrid way for you to start your Sunday.


You will all be in my thoughts and prayers

Nicky Sussex :oxD

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Good grief that's shocking. Its so thoughtless that people behave like that. Especially as your son was clearly on his way to deal with another incident, and thanks to some idiot the incident either went unanswered or was delayed in being dealt with. Some people show no or little resect to out emergency services and it makes me so angry.


Thinking of you all and wishing your son a speedy recovery.

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Oh Geraldine that's awful!


I wouldn't mind betting that you're more angry than your son .Your protective mother instincts must be well into overdrive.


It must be such a relief that his eyesight won't be damaged.


What on earth did that imbecile get out of throwing it? I guess that we'll never really understand acts like this. I just told my husband and his response was "You just can't come up with words to describe scum like that, can you?".


Let him know that there are plenty of decent people outraged on his behalf won't you?


Please keep us posted.

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Thanks for your messages :o

What kind of gets me is that these people are the very same ones who are quick to dial 999 when they need help but at other times despise the boys in blue with a passion.


I could write a book about the things I hear when my son comes home and 'unloads' his latest experiences and some of them you just would not believe :( but sometimes just sometimes he gets people who appreciate what he has done for them and it makes all the difference. He is far tougher than am I!! The other day I replied 'he said WHAT to you' and his reply was 'don't get stressed mum he was just talking to the uniform not me!"


I know I shouldn't go down the 'what if' road but I now know my son was in the passenger seat and that's where the brick went through - had it gone through the drivers window the consequences don't really bear thinking about :(


Oh well onwards and upwards, tomorrow is another day xD

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Oh Geraldine - that's a horrendous thing to happen - like yourself and all the others on here, I just cannot believe or comprehend the mentality of people that would do something like this. Such a relief that it looks like your son will be okay but its terrible enough that he and your family should have been put through this at all xx I just can't understand how some people can even contemplate doing something like that to another human being. Lots of love to you all xxx

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Geraldine, Sending good wishes to you all - words fail to convey my feelings for the imbecile who thought that the attack was a good idea :o


Wishing your son a full and speedy recovery.


Nona x

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Geraldine what awful news :o


It makes me soo cross when anybody is the victim of any kind of attack but why why why would you attack the very people that are trying to protect us?????


Hope your son makes a speedy recovery x x x

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Oh Geraldine, I wish I could take away your pain and anger at a stroke but words are particularly useless in times like these. I'm so glad that your son is going to recover and that his eyesight will not be permanently affected by the actions of a couple of yobs who get their kicks in very strange ways.


Most of us in society so appreciate the work your son and his colleagues do. It is a difficult job often done under extremely difficult circumstances and I know you are rightly proud of what he has achieved to be able to do this job he loves. However I think sometimes the price he and you his worried family are asked to pay is just too much.


Take care of yourself and when you see him next give him our love and a huge thank you for what he does everyday.



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Oh, Geraldine! How dreadful! I am so sad for your son, a person who is just trying to help us all out to make a better world and something like this happens to him. I'll pray for his recovery and for the conversion of the person who hurt him, so that he has a change of heart and mind. Please keep us posted about your son. Ok? A big hug for you.

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Hello Geraldine

What a dreadful thing to happen. You must have been so shocked when you were told. I am so glad he and his partner are ok and hope he soon fully recovers from this awful incident. As others have said it could have been far worse-thank god its not.

I hope you are feeling a bit better now. I am sure you are very proud of your son and lots of your friends on here(me included) are also proud and respect him for the work he does every day! Unsworth

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