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Nursery Teacher Interview

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Hello all!


I have a Nursery Teacher interview this coming Thursday and I need a bit of advice for my presentation/demonstration part.


My interview consists of - 10 minutes of writing an observation of child initiated play and learning (with children of my choice). Then followed by 10 minutes engaging in child initiated play in the area of my choice. Then - I need to provide feedback from my observation and interaction with the children - none of which is a problem, I'm going to read up to remind myself on supporting children during CIP and how to write effective observations.


However, I need to give a brief presentation/demonstration after all of this and before I get asked my interview questions. I quote from the letter: "We would like you to bring something you have used to stimulate talk with children and to tell us about it".


I had three main ideas for something I have used to stimulate talk with children, either on supply, in previous interviews or long-term work.


1 - A puppet. I use these regularly in my teaching, but I am wondering if this is too obvious and whether I need to think outside of the box for this one.


2 - A treasure box with things in, which are generally a variety of different day-to-day objects. I've used it in phonics previously, but I was thinking with FS children the children would potentially have to pass the object round, describe how it feels, what they think it's used for, etc.


3 - A message in a bottle, which I used in a previous interview and they were really impressed with the originality (thanks for the inspiration here guys). I have an ideas web to support this object to show the many directions it could go in (all six areas of EYFS, but a main focus on CLL) and so could support my presentation well.


So as Early Years Professionals, what are your thoughts on the three ideas? Which do you think would be best for an interview and impress the interview panel the most?


Thanking you in advance!


Rosey x




I would go for option 3 message in a bottle. Especially if it's impressed people before.


Good luck with all your tasks and the interview.


I would go for the message in a bottle too. We have revently done a pirate topic and children loved this! Could you create an 'old' looking message (tea staining etc)? Good luck!


Thank you, clawton9 and kathrynmc for you replies, it's much appreciated. xD My gut was telling me to go with the message in the bottle, but I had niggling doubts that I may be missing out on the obvious somewhere. :(


kathrynmc, I certainly can - I have some sheets of coffee-stained paper drying in my kitchen as I type. :o


Rosey x


I just had to come and tell you....


I GOT THE JOB! :oxD:( :( :( :wacko: xD


I've just got to wait for the letter of confirmation to come through and then I can start going in and meeting staff and doing home visits, etc. Oh, I'm so EXCITED! :rolleyes:


Rosey x

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