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The Post I Never Thought I Would Write


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Hi everyone,


Well I have been going through such a strange transition, I have been the leader of my setting since 2007, taken them from a satisfactory to a good with outstanding features, built up a brilliant team, have great parents, children and committee.


We have now settled into our new building, have 0.5 of a teacher (who is lovely) and am working in partnership with the school and children's centre. I have been supernumerary for two weeks and absolutely hate it!!! So much so that I have today applied for a key person position, ten minutes from my house, I have to travel 20 miles each day to my present setting.


Next year is an important year for me as I start the B(Ed) and hopefully will go onto gain EYPS status. I am feeling that my own four children (I am a single mum) have put up with such alot and I miss being a key person working alongside the children supporting them with their learning and development..


I feel I am now just churning out the paperwork etc part of me feels like a failure and perhaps I am in terms of managing, but I still believe I am an excellent leader of high quality practice and a good role model to both children and other practitioners, I just dont want to feel bogged down by all the red tape anymore.


I feel better for getting it down here, thanks for taking the time to read this post.


Claire x


P.S fingers crossed I get the position

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Oh Claire - bless you........I couldn't just 'read and run'........


Good luck with gaining your new position!


I can completely understand why you are missing a Key Person role - I know that I would too :o


How can you possibly think of yourself as a 'failure' - just look at what you have achieved!


So again, good luck, don't forget to let us know how you get on........

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I TOTALLY understand and in your shoes would do exactly the same :o


I am deputy manager and many people have asked me why I don't move on (or up!) and the answer is I LOVE where I am and my role. I have the right balance of contact and non contact time and the thought of any job where I was always supernumerary is simply a non starter for me.


Yesterday I was right there with the milk crates and planks of wood 'experience' and it was just superb, where was the manager - buried somewhere in the office under piles of paperwork- she missed SO much I really felt for her.


I do disagree with your comments on being a failure though! especially as you say

and perhaps I am in terms of managing,


Your setting has come a long way under your management so you should hold your head up high and give yourself a huge pat on the back.


I wish you all the luck in the world, children will be very lucky to have you - do let us know how you get on

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I too know exactly where you are coming from, I moved up through the ranks and became a nursery manager which at the begining I thought it was great but soon missed all the fun of being with the children, I would find myself finding any excuse to go out of the office and into the playrooms. I found to that my own children were suffering as I was never home going in early to cover staff sickness etc. In the end I gave up and am now a registered childminder which I am so passionate about I love it, only one small problem is you cant get away from work when your work is your home.


I agree totally with what the others have said you have done so much for your setting no way are you a failure.



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Hi I don't think you are a failure at all. It takes a lot to make the decision you have made and I believe that if you hadn't you would have failed yourself!


Think of the benefits to the children you will be caring for - you tried it (managing) and didn't like it - that is not the same as trying it and being no good at it. Your further training will make much more sense down at ground level... and boy do the children keep you grounded Hehehe

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Good luck from me too Claire. I agree with previous posts that you are definately not a failure. You have done so much for your setting.


I hope you get the job you're after........it seems ideal, close to home and having the contact with children that you miss.


Let us know how it goes. Take care.

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Sounds like you have done an amazing job at the setting and think you should value how far you have bought in terms of satisfactory to good with outstanding, that is definitely not the work of a failure.


I wish you all the very best of luck in your new role and all the best with your B(ed) and EYPS, just reading this post has made me feel that, as a mum of a toddler who feels that her return to work has been worthless, that maybe I might, like you, need to reassess everything and take a step in a new direction.

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I sooooooooooooo agree I miss playing with the children I cant tell you the last time I had time to play. Its crazy isnt it - it seems to be the ultimate goal to manage or even own a setting. Its not all its cracked up to be!


Good luck and do what makes you happy life is too short


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Good luck, I don't think you should see yourself as a failure at all - leave on a high, looking at how much good you have done and what you have put in place. The new place will be very lucky to have you and would be fools not to take you on!


Clare x

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just wanted to let you know that you are not alone! I am in much the same position have been the daycare maanger for a year now and absolutely hate it!! I am supposed to have key children as well but feel that due to time restrictions I am only doing each role half heartedly Which is so unfair to my key children and also the rest of the staff team whom i have little opportunity to support!

But i have just applied for a room leader position which i feel will suit me better as I know my strengths are working with the children and leading others, but not managing!!


So best of luck in the application, as as much as we love workign with children we need to be happy in ourselves too!


Bunnyhop xx

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