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Writing A Rationale

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Can anyone help me... I am writing my last assignment for my first year yeee haa! but.... I am lost. Can anyone show me an example of writing up a Rationale...I have no clue as to how to begin this. I understand the rationale is the reason I am wrting and behind my thinking...but i am struggline as to how i begin the introduction.


I am making up a mathematical resource pack for numeracy.... and the second part of the assignment is a rationale.... Help me someone please before I sign up for Alcoholics Anonymouse lol


Jan x


I'm not sure if it's the same for the FD but when I had to do rationales for my NVQ 4 it was for things like examples of planning and policies etc. So for example if I put in our medication policy as evidence for a standard, my rationale would be something written by me to show how I understand the policy e.g. 'This is our medication policy. It is used to show staff and parents how we give medication. Staff are ony permitted to give medication which is prescribed.....'.


I presume it would be something similar - writing up something to show how you understand your mathematical resource pack for numeracy.


Hope that helps!


I have sent you an e-mail with a copy of a rationale I have just done for one of my assignments, I have just finished my first year and so far have passed everything, thank god!!

It's a completely different subject but it may help. Good luck


  • 1 year later...

Hi all I too am stuck on writing my Rationale for my last assignment of foundation degree and would really appreciate any examples. I have put together a safeguarding leaflet for my staff and know have to right 1000 word ratyionale and really do not know where to start.


Doesn't help that I am 8 months preggers too!!! LOL



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