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New To Nursery

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Hi all,


I am moving into Nursery in September after 6 years in Reception and I am unsure of how to set up my timetable and planning, can anyone share their wisdom with me? I have had looked through the resource section and not found any timetables.


Also what do you do for the first few weeks of Nursery, obviously the children will be settling etc but anything else? When do you start letters and sounds?


Thanks in advance for your help!




i have been in nursery for 5 years now and they will never get me back into mainstream! Do you have 2 sessions? we are open from 8.30-11.30 and then 12.15-3.15. this past year i have organised the morning and afternoon differently due to the children so there is really not set rules. AM-Registratio and whole cirlcle time, then teacher initiated group time, freeflow, snacktime(we ahve a set snacktime when all the children sit with their keyworker, have always done this and would not change-still getting good/outstanding from ofsted)and the plan-do-review. we do have times but do not stick to them by the minute. PM-we start with freeflow as the children found it much harder to sit straight away and they were only the 3 year olds anyway. Just remember if you are doing the 3 hours as a teacher check your hours against your colleagues as you will find youself doing more hours. Just enjoy nursery!

PS we start letters and sounds straight away with the real basics-listening skills


Hi guys. I am returning to preschool after a break of 3 and a half years. We are going to be offering flexible hours which is going to make a timetable really tricky as we will have children staying for anything from 3 - 6 hours a day. Eek!

Does anybody already have this system in place?

We are offering sessions of 3 hours primarily - 8:50 - 11:50 and 11:50 - 2:50 but they can come in extra hourly blocks so could come in at 8:50 and leave at 1:50 for example.

I am thinking of doing circle time near the beginning of one session and the end of the other so that children staying for longer than 3 hours don't have to sit through two! I'm also hoping that any themes can still be repeated to catch all children but maybe do the same one on an afternoon then the following morning rather than on the same day if that makes sense?

I'm a bit of a lid back person so would be happy to just try it and see but I know the staff will want concrete plans before the children start.


  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, thanks for the reply - when you say teacher initiated group time how does this work in Nursery? and during free-flow how do you monitor what they children are doing? Also how does plan-do-review work in nursery?


What sort of things do you do the first few weeks to settle them, i was also going to start with freeflow.


Thanks :)


just wondered what the nursery currently does? Will the children and staff from before Summer be coming in with old routines or are they all new faces?


we only do one session but are free flow throughout (including snack) bar 15 min group time and 10 min story/song time at end.


We plan mid week on a wednesday but evaluate on the planning sheet daily so all ideas are ongoing and changeable.


during free-flow how do you monitor what the children are doing?


just like you did in reception, observe them, talk to them, play with them


teacher initiated group time how does this work in Nursery?

again similiar to what you already do but much shorter bursts, very active and very hands on :o


hope this helps. suebear x

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