Guest laura286 Posted September 5, 2010 Posted September 5, 2010 Hi all, Im an NQT and working as a reception teacher. Im struggling with how to do my timetable, and how to make sure there is a balance of CIL and AD activities. Unfortunately I am being forced to do numeracy hour and literacy hour (so cant change the mornings) but wondering how to set out the afternoon activities. Would appreciate some feedback on the timetable I did over the summer, looking at it again it looks too structured for foundation. When I have specific areas timetabled, I only plan to do an 15 min whole class input, and then have 1/2 groups doing AD activities related to the input, and the other children CIL and then swaping. Is this OK?? Thanks, Laura Class_R_timetable.doc
AnonyMouse_20645 Posted September 5, 2010 Posted September 5, 2010 Hi Laura, good luck with the new job. I'm sure you're going to love it. One thing that hit me when I looked at your time table is that you don't have child intiated time on there. Is that going to be taking place during the afternoons? Beccy
AnonyMouse_20645 Posted September 5, 2010 Posted September 5, 2010 So sorry! Just re read your post and saw what you said about CI time!
Guest laura286 Posted September 5, 2010 Posted September 5, 2010 Hi Beccy, Thats what I am trying to work out at the moment and would love some advice on the issue. As i mentioned in my previous post, I plan to have either 1 or 2 adult led activities that are related to the lesson input, for the children who arent working directly with an adult I plan to have them choosing their activities, so in effect CIL. But wondering whether this is sufficient enough? Or whether I need to timetable in specific times for CIL? Thanks, Laura
AnonyMouse_79 Posted September 5, 2010 Posted September 5, 2010 You really should be planning some specific time when you are all working/ playing togather on activities chosen by the children although you may have initially set them up, they are now extending their learning with free interaction. Its difficult though if your school will not embrace this. You may be able to get some help and support from the early years team/ teacher in your LEA. Also ask to use some of your NQT time to go out and visit other schools. Good luck.
Guest laura286 Posted September 5, 2010 Posted September 5, 2010 Thanks for your reply Susan We have a link school in Bristol so have already asked to visit there during my NQT time to see how they do things, will also ask to visit a school more local in the meantime. Laura
AnonyMouse_25084 Posted September 5, 2010 Posted September 5, 2010 This looks for formal than our year 1 timetable. But as others have said it is very difficult if your leadership are insisting on CLL and PSRN every day. This really is not necessary or appropriate for reception as you probably already know. If you are struggling to fit more CI time in, can you not speak to leadership about you not going out to playtimes (if children have free-flow outside) and not attending assemblies everyday - again you will have to tread carefully if you are new. Use your NQt time to observe other schools and report back to head about how they are doing it. See if an early years advisor can come in and work with you - they will be able to support you in informing leadership, you may have to do this gradually and tackfully throughout the year. As for your afternoons - mine are much looser than yours- remember that learning should be cross curricular so don't necessarily need KUW and CD timetabled and taught separately - lots of learning with cover more than one area. I actually don't plan a KUW adult led activity every week as I find I manage to support the children with this area during their play, especially when they are outside. If a particular interest arises I then plan in activity to suit. I tend to have 1 adult led task in the afternoon which all children complete throughout the afternoon whilst the rest of the class engage in CI play. I am lucky that I have 3 adults, so I always have 2 free to do observing, supporting, modelling during CI time. My children only do PSRN and CLL twice a week. They will always do one adult led creative activity, sometimes cooking, sometimes KUW, music, dance. Remember if your continuous provision is set up well to reflect all areas, children will learn all areas of the curriculum during this time too. Lots of luck for the new year, you will love it. I think do what leadership have asked to start with and you'll soon get a feel for what is right for you and the children and you can go from there. xx
AnonyMouse_25084 Posted September 5, 2010 Posted September 5, 2010 Just looked at your timetable again - your music session doesn't have to last an hour - well i think that would be far too long, maybe just 20 minutes then the rest of the afternoon could be CI time? Also do you have to have a set designated RE slot? I tend to teach RE through KUW at certain festivals during the year or link to a story at the end of the day and don't have a set slot like this. Maybe take out one of your KUW slots and make this CI time too? Hope i'm being helpful and not confusing you! x
Guest laura286 Posted September 6, 2010 Posted September 6, 2010 Ive changed it slightly now. For the afternoons (apart from when there is RE and PE) I am having the rest of the time as my topic, so either KUW or CD focus, with one or 2 adult led activities, the rest of the time being CI activities. Do you think this sounds better? I am also going to speak to my SMT to see if i can move from having 5 formal english and maths sessions, to 4, and leaving fri for either extending or reinforcing learning with the rest of the time being CI (with some literacy or numeracy activities out for the children to choose) Really determined to make FS as it should be as it hasnt been previously, so any help on this is greatly appreciated. And yes I do have to have an RE slot, im in Gloucestershire and its what the LEA advise us to do. Laura
Guest Posted September 6, 2010 Posted September 6, 2010 If you're in Gloucestershire, there are some great foundation stage consultants who can support you in good reception practice. I'm in Gloucestershire too. Email me if you want any names, etc.
AnonyMouse_25084 Posted September 6, 2010 Posted September 6, 2010 Hi Laura286 - your revised afternoons sounds much better - welldone! One way around your daily CLL/PSRN is to have half the class doing an adult led task one day whilst the rest do CI and then on the following day do the reverse. How does this sound? I don't think you need to do a daily CLL input if you are doing letters and sounds. Maybe you can use one of CLL sessions for guided reading in groups? xxx
Guest laura286 Posted September 8, 2010 Posted September 8, 2010 Fab! Glad you think it sounds better!! Your idea of half the group doing adult directed activities and half doing CI sounds much better, would you suggest doing this for both CLL and PSRN? And when all groups have finished the activity after the 2 days I presume you would introduce another activity to reinforce/extend learning? I spoke to the SMT and they are quite happy for me to be less formal in the mornings which is a step in the right direction!! Thanks for your advice!
AnonyMouse_25084 Posted September 9, 2010 Posted September 9, 2010 Yes its worth a try doing for PSRN and CLL and see how it goes and works for you. The way I work is to introduce something on the carpet which sets up the learning for the group tasks. At the end of day when all children have completed the task I do a brief review of the learning. I do PSRN activities a week and usually the 2nd activity is linked to the first but is extending the learning or reinforcing. I also leave out the resources in CI time for children to continue using if they choose - believe it or not, children do sometimes!! I had lots of children choosing to write number sentences last term!! Really glad SMT are being more supported about the informal learning. You're doing a great job by the sounds of things! xx
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