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Education Show Manchester

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In May it is the Education show at Manchester GMEx i go every year. I wonder how many others do? I was wondering if we could have some way of recognising other members so that we could say Hello in passing? some sort of insignia? Purely optional and no not a red rose and a newspaper.

Any ideas or takers?

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Hi Jacquie


I was planning to go the Eduction Show in Birmingham last weekend, but was off sick with bronchitis. You would obviously recommend it, since you go every year, but what's it like?


I'm not sure I would be up for the drive to Manchester, though. But I like the idea of having some method of recognising other Forum members.


I laughed at the idea of a red rose and a newspaper. Will try to rack my brains and think of a suitable alternative.



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I am hoping to be there on the saturday as it is so local to me. Sounds like a good idea. Maybe something could be put on the delegate badges. Maybe instead of school name FSF stockport or similar. Sure the organisers would oblige if they knew. Maybe in the future there will be a FSF stand.

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I am hoping to be there on the saturday as it is so local to me.  Sounds like a good idea.  Maybe something could be put on the delegate badges. Maybe instead of school name FSF stockport or similar.  Sure the organisers would oblige if they knew.  Maybe in the future there will be a FSF stand.



I'll be there, as I've booked to go to 2 of the seminars on the Saturday and I often buy stickers and books there as most suppliers do discounts on the day :)

We should put a coloured mark on our badges that you have to wear or soemthing= a purple spot or star or something! I'm always nosy and read other people's badges as it has what job they have on, as well as their name!

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Susan and I met up for the first time at the Education show in Birmingham last week, and we managed without roses and newspapers (remind me Susan how DID we do that?).


Its to far for me Im afriad, but there muct be a meeting pont that is quite esy to spot for those who want to meet?

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I will be there on the Saturday with one of my staff-we have gone for about 3 years now. We always spend far too much money!

I would like to meet up if possible-I will have a think as to how we can recognise each other.


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Mundia, I had the newspaper---dont you remember!?

We had a super day, Id never been before but it was well worth the effort, wish Manchester was nearer Linda and I'd join you although I think its my sons 18th birthday that day, if I'm remembering the show dates correctly, so perhaps next year????

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I wanted to go and my school was going to pay the registration and seminars/workshops... but the transportation, stay and meals ends up to high for us in this moment :o . We just bought a house at the end of the year and with all the insurances our budget is very tight. It is such a pity since the seminars/workshops seem great. I hope I can make it for next year. There is another EY Conference in Sept/Oct in London. It would be wonderful if some day we get to meet each other :D !

Edited by SmileyPR
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I'll be at the GMEx either Friday or Saturday (depends if school will pay for the seminars. Would be nice to meet up, have coffee and a chat and put faces to names.



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  • 2 months later...

Hi SmileyPR

I went to the exhibition in Manchester and it seems to get smaller each year with fewer and fewer people attending. There were not near as many stands as last year with many of the major suppliers such as Galt missing. There seemed to be a lot of people selling nursery management software at very inflated prices.

I still managed to spend money! I am going to rethink for next year though. One of the good things to come from it though was that I found Bee-bots, which are like mini Roamers, and ordered six for our support group to loan out. And discovered TTS the suppliers that I had never come across before-they have some very different items for sale.


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They are so cute!! I can't wait for July when we take delivery. They are so much better for very young children, so much more appealing. And for adults too!


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Hi Carol

They aren't actually available until July-they are still in production, having some refinements etc. When I went to the show they said that if I didn't order mine within the next couple of weeks then we would have to wait until October-they have so many pre orders.

If you want to know what we are talking about the website is here.

Lucky you getting a freebie-although I have to say that at £35 they are not outrageously expensive. Because I ordered 6 they were only £20 each and we also got a 5% discount at the show!


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Thanks, Linda, for your reply. I was feeling so sad that I had not been able to make it with such nice titles for the conferences and workshops. I hope at least that was worth it for those who made the expense of going there. Is the one of London similar to the one in Manchester?


Again, thanks!

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I was told that the Beebots all operate on the same radio frequency. If so you will most likely find you can't use more than one at a time in the same room!

Please let me know!!!

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