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Hi all,


Hope everyone had a lovely summer...


For this half term our umberella topic is Ourselves/ All about me.


Can anyone share some exciting ideas?


How did you enhance all the different areas and what table top activities did you use?


There is a real issue with resources and money in my school so we are trying to do everything on a budget.


Thank you for your help :)




Hi we are doing the same topic, its a bit late now but I will have a look at my planning folder and get back to you, however any additional ideas very welcome :)


Hi yes I looked at the topic support it had some lovely ideas! However, I am after enhancement ideas to enhance the areas like what to put in the gluing and paint etc

Thank you x


We are doing similair getting to know you/favourite things/all about me.A reception class of 30 with all areas set up wth usual basic provision in all areas plus these extentions. Most we set up before the children started admitting and they are not all fulltime until Friday.Next week we are reading Elmer so things will change as the children start imputing


Malleable-birthday cakes or buns resources-How old we are? This has been the most popular area

Numeracy-teddy bears of all shapes, sizes, colours

Role play-Home basic provision with telephone, pens, notepad and takeaway menu for our favourite meals at childrens suggestion

Creative-paper plates and collage resources to make silly faces

Easel-flesh tones with primary colours

Mark marking-Birthday cards and a cut and glue sheet to match children playing and new felt tips!

Marble racer has been the most popular game so thats being left on the floor and near the bricks. Going to add some golf balls tomorrow and the play may possibly extend to include the bricks.

Tactile tray-value cornflakes (31p at Morrisons) bowls, spoons, empty milk cartons. empty small cereal boxes (the multivariety type) Favourite cereal and we've done a carpet time on how breakfast in important now we come to school all day

Sand-buckets and spades and we've had lots of shell listening!

KUW-Colour paddles, kalidoscopes etc

Small World-dolls house

Computers-Not working again!!


we used to put mirrors in different areas.. mark making and/or paint and children used them to draw a self portrait..


tubes and material, wool, pens, paint in craft area... had them producing little people...




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