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Just laminated mine and attached to a key chain.....they look great...thanks again... :oxD


Now I have done these for all staff.....one member of staff asked if I could do the same with condensed version of the EYFS! I could do one - I am sure there was a sheet with all of the learning intentions on..anyone know where it is? :o


We have lots of different observation sheets that cover different things like language obs, colour recognition, general obs etc and we do one per half term on each child as a basis though often we do more just as opportunites arise. We say to our staff to do at least one per half term and then we use the info from these to feed into next steps and then next steps into planning


I thought your idea was really good but felt that we could benefit from an EYfsp version. I have had a go at putting some cards together. I have printed and laminated in just the same way.

Hope these are of some help xx

Dougal xx :o


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