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Do Breakfast Clubs Have To Plan To Eyfs?


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A local day nursery has just set up a breakfast club at my school for year Reception to eyar 6. I have one child from my reception class attend. Do they need to be planning towards EYFS or is it just fun?! I spoke to them about sharing learning etc, they can contirbute to her learning story and I can let them have her PLODs but they said there was no need. Just wondered what the situation is with this?



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I cant believe they knocked you back we cant get schools to share or take us seriously. How long are they open for if they open for under 2 hrs they may not be registered so some things would not apply. It would be good practice though.


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A local day nursery has just set up a breakfast club at my school for year Reception to eyar 6. I have one child from my reception class attend. Do they need to be planning towards EYFS or is it just fun?! I spoke to them about sharing learning etc, they can contirbute to her learning story and I can let them have her PLODs but they said there was no need. Just wondered what the situation is with this?





If this is a short before school thing then it's likely that by the time she and everyone else has eaten their breakfast and there won't be any time to do observations and certainly not set activities based on her PLODs. I know at my old school the breakfast club was just them eating breakfast then going outside to play or if it was raining watching cartoons in the hall.


This might be controversial but I think we can go over the top with the idea that everyone who comes into contact with an EYFS child has to have all the information and has to start using their PLODs and the EYFS etc. Would it really do the children any harm if for half an hour they are allowed to play with no agenda? Is it really fair on the staff to put all that on them when they actually only see the children for less than an hour a day and have many other children to deal with of varying ages? I'm not of course saying that you were in the wrong in anyway to attempt to approach them with this because I have no idea what OFSTED would say or what requirements are in this matter, but to me it's always seemed rather odd to worry about it for such a short period of time. I am prepared now for a chorus of people all telling me why it's so important that they should now!

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I have to say I completely agree with Kariana. Before school there is little time and probably little inclination from the children to be doing planned activities linked to PLODS, next steps, EYFS etc. We have a breakfast and after school club and breakfast club is just breakfast and playing. Most children are there for 30 minutes or less, none for more that 45 mins as they leave for school at 8.45. After school is different for us and I think it is good practice to share learning/achievements with the school and vice versa.


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Guest jenpercy
Beehive, how do you do this in practice? Do you keep EYFS development files for all your little ones, or just feed obs into their reception development folder? Also what do you do with children who only attend say 1 session per week?


We keep scrapbook of children's work (lightly annotated) with some next steps and also a few obs. Although we have had some communication from some schools, this does not amount to partnership.

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The EYFS is not only the Learning and Development aspect. I think breafast club has a lot to offer in regard to


1.2 Inclusive Practice- Equality and diversity

1.3 Keeping Safe - walking to school

1.4 Health and Well-being - a healthy breakfast

2.1 Respecting Each Other - Friendships, Understanding feelings, Professional relationships

2.2 Parents as Partners - Communication

2.4 Key Person - Secure attachment, Shared care and Independence

3.2 Supporting Every Child - Children's needs and Working together

3.4 The Wider Context - Transitions and continuity, Multi-agency working


Everybody plays a part in the child's development.



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Ok thanks for your replie. The little girl in my class goes there daily from 7.30 until school starts so probably not worth it then! I agree its ridiculous to go over the top with all this but I just thought there was an expectation on settings to do this. I do think children are learning all the time though so a quick obs to add to her learning story wouldn't take much.

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Guest jenpercy
Ok thanks for your replie. The little girl in my class goes there daily from 7.30 until school starts so probably not worth it then! I agree its ridiculous to go over the top with all this but I just thought there was an expectation on settings to do this. I do think children are learning all the time though so a quick obs to add to her learning story wouldn't take much.


if it is a breakfast club only there is no require3ment. if it is breakfast and after school there would be. I would say for you though that the best thing would be just to ask them how she is settling in - and then write up verbal report

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Sorry EYFS 1966, I've been busy and haven't logged on for a while!

We just make sure we keep up good communication with the reception teacher and TA and let them have our observations or any key achievements. We do this in quite a low key way, either verbally or with post-its. But we don't have very many children of this age at the moment. We don't continue a Learning Journey once children have started school, just note down significant steps and ensure they are shared.


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Hi Beehive

This is the way were are going to do it. We do quick postit notes obs and then hoepefully have quick 30 min meeting with reception teacher or ta to swap obs and next steps. The school do the child profile as this is the setting that they are at the longest. For our early years they could end up having child profile at village pre-school, one at school and then one at school club otherwise!!

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