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:o I have taken over running a village Nursery, as it was very short of funding and looking at closing and also the running of it wasn't great. I have been out of the system for 3/4 years so I had never heard of the Stepping Stones.


When I started the Nursery they didn't have any paper work only a register and accident book (it had only been running for a term). I have done the prospectus, policies along with the committee, and looked at sponsors who can inject money into buying resource etc.,


I have purchased (from my own money) paper and display material for the nursery so that it looks vibrant and stimulating and welcoming as before there was no displays!.


The original sessions ran on a monday for 2-3 year olds for 5 children, tuesday/thursday 3-5 year olds 7-9 children. We are now open monday - friday and are at nearly full capacity of 16 children, also offering a lunch club.


The Nursery is really taking off, maybe alittle too fast for me to keep up with. There is only me who is prepared to work 5 sessions a week, with one lady doing 1 day, one doing 2 days and 1 doing 3 days. I have brought in a ex teacher who helps me with the literacy and maths she does this voluntary like myself!. I have paid myself for an advert in the local papers advertising for a level 2 & 3 so that I can have another person working along side me 5 sessions a week but, had no luck.


I presently do all the paper work and urgently need help, my husband is very understanding but, now feels that I am under stress, our home life is chaotic and I am not having any time off. The paper work and planning is a nightmare. I dream the planning, live the planning. Once my session is over at the Nursery and I have cleaned and set up for the following day I am back on my computer and don't leave it until 8pm (just before my husband get home - so he doesn't notice!!).


I'm really enjoying the children and the parents are always positive to me, and keep saying that they hope I'm staying. I have potential childrens parents informing me that they would like their children to attend in September if I am still here. Which I inform I will be because, I do love it.(even through I still won't be paid).


My last term topic was colour, which I had to pull together over the Christmas holidays and do the displays. I am just finishing off the paper work for that and feel relieved. Next term I want to do Nursery Rhymes I have been in this week and made a drainpipe on the wall for Incy Wincy Spider, a grandfather clock for Hickory Dickory Dock, a wall for Humpty Dumpty (My displays are creative and great but, it is my paper work that lacks).


Does anyone have any planning for this topic that they could share with me, plus also any paper work for future topics so that they could put me on. Or know of anywhere I can get my hands on any plans, I am even happy to pay for this valueable, important paperwork!!!!!


I am a new member only signed up yesterday so I hope that someone out there can be a life safer and a relationship safer!!!!!


Thank you for reading this long mouning topic.

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Welcome Kap, What a fantastic achievement, well done :D

Have you tried the search on this site?

I'm sure there are lots of planning for Nursery rhymes, and I know there is a good web site as well. Unfortunately I do not know how to do links to other areas, but I do know someone will come along soon and do just that.


Time manage yourself, please, take some breaks otherwise you will burn out. good luck.



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Hi Kap

Welcome to the forum and I know you will get a lot from it.

There is a lot about planning, policies and all manner of paperwork in the members articles section which is on the left hand side of this page. Go into articles, click on members articles and hey presto lots for you to look at.

It is very hard when you first set out to keep your head above water. But I am sure that you will get everything on an even keel soon-especially if you keep coming on here for ideas!!!

Good luck


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Hello Kap!


A very warm welcome from me to you!! :D


As Peggy says, please do pace yourself, or all your achievements will be for nothing, if you burn out. Keep coming on here, we're always glad to help. I well recognise the 'working while the husband's away' scenario - it's still how I work at times, too! :o


I'm certain there was a discussion of Nursery Rhymes as a Topic not so long back, I'll try to find it for you. We are doing that in the second Summer half term, so I'll try to send you some of my basic ideas - when I find my notes - I'm not as organised as I should be! xD


If you scan through past topics within the Ideas and Activities Forum I'm sure you'll find discussions on all manner of Topics and Themes. If I find any in my travels I'll let you know!


And whatever you do, don't run your relationship aground!!!!!


Sue :D

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Hi Kap, the only site for nursery rhymes I can quickly lay hands on is this one. It's not brilliant but might provide some ideas.

nursery rhymes site


You might like this site too, it's got loads of nursery rhymes and also tells you the origin of some of them. Did you know Humpty Dumpty was the name given to a cannon? :o


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Hi Kap, and welcome to the Forum


It sounds to me like you've achieved a lot in a short space of time. Congratulations!


You don't say where you're based, or whether your group is privately owned or committee-run, but there may be sources of funding you can tap into to ease your financial situation. I hope your local Early Years team are giving you all the support you need - especially to address your training, funding and management needs.


Peggy is quite right in what she was saying about the need to avoid 'burn out', and you will need to devote some time to looking after yourself (and reminding your family what you look like!). I know this is much easier said than done, and as a lifelong 'both ends of the candle burner' I don't always manage it myself.


I wish you the very best of luck, and at least we'll all be here to listen when you feel the need to offload!



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Hi Kap

Well done on keeping the nursery going! Take care not to burn out and I hope you get some staff soon

Where are you?

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Hi Kap

Well done on keeping the nursery going! Take care not to burn out and I hope you get some staff soon

Where are you?



I am on the outskirt of Northamptonshire. I would just like to say thank you to everyone so far for their support and advise.



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Hello Kap and welcome to the site. You sound brilliant for what you've already achieved ... and will achieve I'm sure ... I hope you're being appreciated!!


I'm a Reception Class teacher so don't know how relevant anything I have will be, put we do a topic on People Who Help Us. If you approach your local community bobby, the ambulance service, school lollipop lady, fire service etc. they're usually only too glad to help. This topic is so far reaching though that you can include most people - what would happen if the bin 'men' (oops OFSTED would probably have me for that one :o ) didn't come, the shop keepers didn't open, the farmer didn't milk the cows. We always start with people who help us at home, then at school, then out into the community - start with the child's experiences.


Good luck - and keep in touch.


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hi kap and well done on your achievements so far...here is our med term plans for nursery rhymes, if they are any goos have lots of others to dhare as well...keep up the good work.. :D  :D  :D


:D Thank you Hali,

This is great I am actually covering all those nursery rhymes plus twomore additional ones, incy wincy spider and round and round the garden.


Do you have any short term plans I could look at?


I have tried sending you an email afew days ago but don't know if it was successful.

Karen :o

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Hi Karen,


I certainly know how you feel - been there and got the t-shirt!! :o Things do get better eventually but keeping your head above water initially is hard work. There are lots of activity ideas in the forum and if you do a forum search using a couple of keywords you might find what you want. Also don't be afraid to start a new topic asking for ideas. If one already exists someone can point you in the right direction. :) I covered Incy Wincy Spider as part of a topic on April Showers a couple of years ago. Unfortunately I don't have my planning to hand as it's all down in the playgroup hall. There are also loads of things you can do with gardens and teddy bears as a starting point.


Good luck with the planning. :)

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  • 4 months later...


:o I have taken over running a village Nursery, as it was very short of funding and looking at closing and also the running of it wasn't great. I have been out of the system for 3/4 years so I had never heard of the Stepping Stones.


When I started the Nursery they didn't have any paper work only a register and accident book (it had only been running for a term). I have done the prospectus, policies along with the committee, and looked at sponsors who can inject money into buying resource etc.,


I have purchased (from my own money) paper and display material for the nursery so that it looks vibrant and stimulating and welcoming as before there was no displays!.


The original sessions ran on a monday for 2-3 year olds for 5 children, tuesday/thursday 3-5 year olds 7-9 children.  We are now open monday - friday and are at nearly full capacity of 16 children, also offering a lunch club.


The Nursery is really taking off, maybe alittle too fast for me to keep up with. There is only me who is prepared to work 5 sessions a week, with one lady doing 1 day, one doing 2 days and 1 doing 3 days. I have brought in a ex teacher who helps me with the literacy and maths she does this voluntary like myself!.  I have paid myself for an advert in the local papers advertising for a level 2 & 3 so that I can have another person working along side me 5 sessions a week but, had no luck.


I presently do all the paper work and  urgently need help, my husband is very understanding but, now feels that I am under stress, our home life is chaotic and I am not having any time off. The paper work and planning is a nightmare. I dream the planning, live the planning. Once my session is over at the Nursery and I have cleaned and set up for the following day I am back on my computer and don't leave it until 8pm (just before my husband get home - so he doesn't notice!!).


I'm really enjoying the children and the parents are always positive to me, and keep saying that they hope I'm staying. I have potential childrens parents informing me that they would like their children to attend in September if I am still here. Which I inform I will be because, I do love it.(even through I still won't be paid).


My last term topic was colour, which I had to pull together over the Christmas holidays and do the displays. I am just finishing off the paper work for that and feel relieved. Next term I want to do Nursery Rhymes I have been in this week and made a drainpipe on the wall for Incy Wincy Spider, a grandfather clock for Hickory Dickory Dock, a wall for Humpty Dumpty (My displays are creative and great but, it is my paper work that lacks).


Does anyone have any planning for this topic that they could share with me, plus also any paper work for future topics so that they could put me on. Or know of anywhere I can get my hands on any plans, I am even happy to pay for this valueable, important paperwork!!!!!


I am a new member only signed up yesterday so I hope that someone out there can be a life safer and a relationship safer!!!!!


Thank you for reading this long mouning topic.




I realise that it is now four months, nearly five, since you posted this message but I have only just read it for some reason. I hope things have managed to get easier for you. I have lots of medium term planning that I have done for our Foundation Stage Unit which I am more than happy to share with you. I hope you find it useful and it gives you some more time to relax. Some of the planning just says week one and week two. They are all different but they have come up like this because they were inside another named topic folder on my disk.

I have more on Journeys and Transport, Summer, People who help us, Summer, Toys, Fairy Tales, Winter, Pets etc. If you would like any copies of the rest just let me know.

Take care

Boogie :D











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  • 1 month later...

Hi Boogie


I have just been searching for ideas on a Journeys topic that i am starting after half term (the 1st 2 days being a pre ofsted inspection) and came across your kind offer of sharing Journeys planning!

Any chance i could pick your brains


Sarah :D

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Hi Boogie


I have just been searching for ideas on a Journeys topic that i am starting after half term (the 1st 2 days being a pre ofsted inspection) and came across your kind offer of sharing Journeys planning!

Any chance i could pick your brains


Sarah  :D





No problem at all. I hope you find it useful. For some reason I can't find my CLL planning but the rest is here.


Boogie :D






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Did you do your CLL through stories and Non fictio n books if so which ones? I am thinking Whatever Next - love this book, COme and Visit the moon, the train ride, rosies walk but was wondering if anyone had anymore ideas of good Non Fiction books for Journeys / Transport



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