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Hi everyone, I have recently been appointed as an Area SENCO for the private and voluntary settings in my area. We offer practical support and encourage early intervention for children with SEN or who have a disability.

Are there any other Area SENCO's on FSF, i would like to compare notes and experiences, share practice and learn how others are working.



Hi Lesley


I am not an area SENCO but run my own pre-school playgroup. Just want to say that I really value the support of our area SENCO - it's reassuring to know that we have someone to turn to and get advice from when we have a just general concern about a child.


I find one of the hardest things about working with young children is distinguishing between each child's natural development stages and identifying if that child has a specific special need. None of us wants to 'label' children too soon but once they've gone on to school it can be too late.


So glad to have you on board - both on the site and helping Early Years.


Hi Jan

thanks for your support, Its been really good up to now. We are at the moment developing a resource file for SENCOs in settings. Hopefully this should be like their 'bible', with lots of helpful advice, support agency contacts, referral forms, grant applications, training schedule, SEN policy guidance etc.,

We are developing training around positive behaviour management, and working with parents. Every SENCO will recieve one and will use as thier file, when they move on it goes with them and then the new SENCO will get her own



  • 4 weeks later...

Hi Lesley -

Just as a matter of interest - do you intend to make this SENCO resource file available online? If you don't have an obvious place to do this I'd be happy to look at the possibility of making it available here on the site?


If you do have a dedicated site where you're going to put it, let me know and I'll link to it! :)


Regards, Steve.

  • 6 months later...

Hi Lesley


I am an Area Senco and have been for the last two years. I am a school based nursery teacher and "do" my Area Senco work 1 day per 2 weeks. We visit settings as well as run workshops and drop ins. Our workshops are run either by us or we have speakers in such as an Ed.Psyc, Speech and Language Therapist, or another advisory teacher. Hope this helps but let me know any other info you need.



Hi Lesley


I am SENCO of our setting and have lots of communication with our Area SENCO. I am glad to hear about the SENCO files as we seem to have so many bits of paper etc it would be nice to have them in a 'resource file'.




hi carol the file is something we developed to give the senco a concise source of info and somewhere to keep additional paperwork


it has referral forms, iep proforma's and such like

  • 1 year later...

Hello Lesley, I'm an Area SENCO too, have been for almost 2 years now(the time has flown!).

Although its a title many of us share across the country I have noticed that we are not all doing exactly the same job. I'm lucky in that my post is full time and gives me (and my 3 Area SENCo colleagues) lots of scope for supporting early years practitioners and developing our role. In addition to advising practitioners about meeting the needs of individual children and developing inclusive practices we offer a lot of training - short courses and workshops either in-house or in our training centre;we hold termly forums where local pre-school SENCos meet with us and other professionals to discuss a range of topics and resolve problems, and we are also able to be involved on other projects such as parent support groups.

I could go on but I think that is probably enough for now.

It will be good to be in contact with other Area SENCos and share what we do - I tried the Becta SENCO Forum and didn't find it very successful, but I have a lot of confidence that this connection should work out better :D

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