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Incentives To Motivate Staff!


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Has anyone got any simple ideas of incentives to motivate my staff with their general performance ?


Just want to put something in place to engage the staff and improve their enthusiasm for the job. After all a little healthy competition isnt bad...is it?

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Right heres my first idea........


Each member of staff has a chart that has week 1- 4/5 at the top and 4 sections at the side which are..


Time keeping





The staff will earn a star/point (not sure yet) each week if they are on time, in work every day, perform well and show initiative/ ideas!


At the end of the month if they achieve a certain amount of stars/points they will recieve a time off ticket which enables them to a certain amount of time off as a reward (not sure how much yet)


This will be reviewed every 6 months and the person with the most stars/points will get a bonus/ cash reward!


What do you think, please be honest?

Anything you would do differently?


Thanks x

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Not sure - wouldn't work with my staff they are too old for all that!!!


What about secret student idea from the t.v. the other evening? One member of your staff is chosen (out of the hat may be) each day, they do not know who it is, you or your supervisor monitor their behaviour as you have outlined above all day if they get enough ticks/stars etc. they earn x amount of points and plenty of praise in front of everyone the next day. If they don't get enough points etc. they are not named or shamed the group is just told that the target was not met. this allows each member of staff to support each other and remind each other to do as well as possible. When so many points have been earned either collectively for a staff night out, or individually, perhaps they can have their time off, or an M&S voucher or something. Naff? or a different spin on what you want to do?

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Yes i can see what i thought of is quite child like.....it is a shame you have to reward staff for what they should be doing but i would just like to give them a bit of a boost!


I watched that programme the other nite...hmmmm Secret staff?? good idea....i mite try and watch it again online and refresh my memory!

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I quite it quite sad to have the need to 'reward' staff for doing what they're paid for - on time and turning up.

HOWEVER if you have very young staff on apprenticeships with very low wages I can fully understand it.





I agree! Perhaps you could do what some professions/companies do and pay a £100 bonus for lateness or non attendance. Only problem is you have to dock it for sickness as well which might not be so good if people turn in with a bug in a child care setting in order not to lose their £100! Also they are essentially docking £100 they just dress it up as a bonus for legal reasons so it wouldn't really work for those on minimum wage.

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We have seriously had to devise a bonus scheme which rewards staff for doing their job role but in fairness they do a lot in their own time and without pay and we wanted to reward those who did that and try to incentivse (sp?) those that just moan about it. We are also toying with the idea of a monthly prize (chocolate or wine) for the best and most effective activity plan.

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We have seriously had to devise a bonus scheme which rewards staff for doing their job role but in fairness they do a lot in their own time and without pay and we wanted to reward those who did that and try to incentivse (sp?) those that just moan about it. We are also toying with the idea of a monthly prize (chocolate or wine) for the best and most effective activity plan.



How does your bonus scheme work Holly?

How is performance measured?

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performance is measured in our settin by one formal and one informal appraisal a year


i keep myself ready available to my staff at anytime for a chat


i work alongside and model behaviour


i nip problems in the bud, i praise all the time but i also say if im not happy. Like i would also and they do correct me if i am wrong, i am only human. Its not perfect and odd problems crop up but we deal with them together


im not sure i would do a reward chart like this as we are a small staff (7) but we go out as a team every term, we celebrate each others birthdays, i buy gifts at christmas and end of summer term

i also believe in give and take

Edited by Suer
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We have special helper, star of the week, for the children but now and again , in front of the children, I give that accolade to one of the staff and say why, thanking them for something they have done well.


I try to treat the children like adults to some extent i.e i wouldn't expect them to put up with something that i as an adult would not like e.g dirty toilets, being cold , so i think this system works for adults and children.

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Essentially for completing certain part of the job on time the staff get points and also for coming to staff meetings. Those jobs are things like summative reports etc. At the end of the year any money left over (it won't be much unfortunately) will be divided between the staff in proportion tothe number of points they have earned. As I say it came about because some staff always put in the effort andnothers simply seemed to not bother and it was to try to address the inequality of that. It is really the only way we can fairly pay some extra and doing it at the end of the year means we can sustain it better than doing it throughout the year.

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Hi we also do appraisals annually, speak and observe my staff daily as a part of the team. If any issues arise as part of this a quiet little word very tactfully as and when appropriate normally suffices, this could be seen as modelling good practice. I am human enough to know i make mistakes to and honest enough to admit to them.

I like to think we value all our staff and merits/stars would certainly not be the right path for us.

A verbal well done, great idea, fantastic says volumes when great practice is observed.

Is moral low or are some doing more than others? are their reasons for this, these maybe the questions i would be asking myself first, before thinking about changing anything.

Good luck :o

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Hi, yes, I would echo bridger and suer's responses.

Do you have a young staff team? I think you have to be very careful with this as it could easily backfire

You may be trying to introduce something in your mind that is positive for the team but before you know it, it could get out of hand and you could be made to feel grateful that they've turned up at all to do the jobs you are paying them to do!

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WE have employee of the month which we have been doing since April and appears to be working well. Staff put in a box good practice they have seen from other practitioners. At the end of the month a name is drawn and the winner gets a bottle of wine or chocs or bubble bath. Its only a little present. However, the staff don't seem to see how much we have spent but they love the recognition from their peers even more than the management!!! We do however put in notes, but usually the notes are anonamous or we dont' necessarily share the names just what the good practice is.

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We use employee of the month, each member of staff nominates someone giving a reason for their nomination, the staff member with the most votes gets a £10 boots token.


What was the secret student programme called, sounds intriguing!!


The programme was part of the BBC's School's Season and was called the Class Room Experiment. It followed a class of year 8 students in the comprehensive school and trialling some new ideas on teaching.

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