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Cascading Information From Training

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I would like to devise a check list/form template to make sure staff attending training are able to record key details and summarise what they have learnt so that we can discuss/share useful or new adult learning within our team. Oh and like everything else we do I feel I need to prove we do it rather than just having conversations about it.


Does anyone else do this and if so have you already devised a format that you might be able to share with me to get me started.


I think I know what I am wanting to achieve but don't know how to do it, if that makes sense. Thank you for reading.



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Gosh, it would rather depend on the capability of the trainer! You know sometimes you leave a training day wondering why you went? (Or is that just me?)


Anyway... For evidence purposes obviously a date of the training and a date of the cascade. Ask staff to sign.

Any key points or changes to current regs or guidelines.

Copies of hand outs/DVDs/CD roms.


It would also depend on the staff member. Our current Senco is great for telling the staff what she's learnt, others havent been so forthcoming.


I'll be interested in this, it might help us too.

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"It would also depend on the staff member. Our current Senco is great for telling the staff what she's learnt, others havent been so forthcoming."


Thanks for this Rea, it is because some are able to remember key points in their heads and that some don't even remember where they went(!) that I am trying to standardise this somehow; so that they go to the training with the "form" I hope to end up creating and can then record the eureka moments to share with those that weren't able to experience the training/workshop first hand.



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We keep copies of handouts and also give the staff who attended a form to fill out which asks for:

an overview of the course

If they learnt anything new, and if so what

what information can be shared with colleagues

what do you intend to change/introduce as a result of the course.


It seems to be working ok so far. The next thing I need to do though I think is have something that reminds me in a couple of months to check they have actually done what they said they were going to. That's all I seem to be doing at the minute - checking other people are doing their jobs!!

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My LEA now produce a "key messages" sheet that is given out at end of all training sessions, and is what the attendee then cascades to rest of staff. It's a great idea, and all LEA's could learn from this!!


Hi eyfs1966


Is this something that the LEA prepare beforehand relating to the particular training session to send everyone home with or is it something they give out with blank boxes for participants to fill out what they believe to be the key messages?


Holly35 I would love to see what you come up with if you don't mind posting it, thanks



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No problems just nudge me in a few days if I've not posted it and I'll get it done because I've been prevaricating about it for weeks and it never seems to be at the top of the to do pile!

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Ok with an impending Ofsted and a visit from the LA advisor due too I have finally got it done. The Action Plan it refers to is a basic template which states what currently happens, what we want to happen, how we will achieve it, who is responsible and when it will be reviewed. Hope this helps some of you but I'm open to changing it if anyone has suggestions...


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Thank you Holly35 and Cait for sharing your templates.

We all receive a sheet to fill in at the specific training and an impact form that is to be completed and returned to the training providers within four weeks. On there it asks how you will cascade information learnt. These are then copied and shared at our staff meetings and any issues raised. :o

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In our LA we also receive a feedback form but unless I'm feeling really fed up I'm pretty certain no one fills them in truthfully. It doesn't help that the forms are returned to the trainer and have to have your name on. These also have room to record the impact the training will have but no one follows up on these from the authority. I feel our own sheets will be completed more truthfully and are more specific to our setting. Oh and I know that if we aren't truthful to the LA then we can't really complain about the quality of the training but they do seem to have their own agenda and it isn't a reflection of the training feedback - good or bad.

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We use this sheet for our practitioners. It aims to provide them with the opportunity to share key messages from the training. We also use it internally for any training we go on. I don't think it is that different to what has already been put up. We have also developed a CPD folder that practitioenrs can have.


Speaking as an LA bod, I can appreciate what is being said but I would say we actively use the evaluations to make sure that we are getting it right and if we are not to make adjustments because we want to support quality improvement in our schools and settings.



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