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How Long Do We Advertise For?


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Hi all

As committee member of out of school club we are looking for a manager. At the mo the deputy is temporary but due to personal issues does not want to carry on doing it.

We have been advertsing for 3 months with not one applicant! How long can we carry on this way?

I suppose we just keep advertising however have just spent over £700 on advertsing in the Nottingham Evening Post without a single show of interest. I think we can keep advertising on the job site website but other than that not sure what we can do. We are waiting and waiting with the staff getting annoyed/having to cover extra shifts, its a pain. Not sure what OFSTED would say to not having a manger for so long either. :o Anyone else having this trouble

Edited by marley
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Have you tried contacting the local job centre as they will advertise it for free and post it onto their website. Also, depending on the support you get from the local authorities childcare team, you may be able to advertise this on their website (some LA have a jobs section on their sites). Don't think you are alone, all settings find that they have difficulty recruiting at times.


Have you considered contacting the local preschool and offering a job sharing option which could enable you to staff your setting in holidays and when a pre school setting is closed?


Hope that helps :D

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Advertising is expensive and unless you do get some response incredibly annoying, it feels like throwing money down the drain - have the papers you have used not offered you any kind of discount to re-advertise. Our local paper is good at this, but makes me cross that I have to pay for the first advert at some extortionate price.


We were very lucky I think to get responses this summer - and the person we chose is, without doubt, one of the best we have ever had.


Could be now when children have left home for uni etc. that a mature person would say - I think its time to go back to work and find your advertisement appealing. Younger people with families must find it difficult to work your time scales.


I suppose you have tried the Jobcentre etc. we also advertised with our local area Children's Info Service, -


It's so easy to get disheartened by it all and think why bother - but you must keep trying Marley -= the right person is out there for your group, they just don't know it yet.

Edited by Panders
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Have you tried advertising more locally? A card in a shop window, or the library might work. Have you thought about what the advert actually says? Is it long winded or does it leave out any detail? If you saw it, without knowing anything about the setting would it make you want to apply?

Hope you find someone soon. :o

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Have tried locally, already do job site, local authority will not advertise and will now only do it if we are in financially dire straights, local area childrens service also do not advertise for jobs...pre-school would be a good idea but we already lost a staff member to them and our current temp manager already works there. No other staff there are interested (I know them).

Ho hum! Will keep advertising.....

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