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Translation Of Documents

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I have a new child starting with us next week, who is bilingual - Russian & English.


I would like to translate our documents into Russian, but wanted to see how other settings do this. Microsft word does, do you use this?



Many thanks





Hi there Zoe


Its worth looking to see what services you have locally for this. If you live in the southwest, you may be able to get support from EMAS


Or your Family Information Service (FIS) may be able to point you in the right direction. Also your nearest Children's centre may also have some contacts.


Im happy to be corrected but I don't think using Word etc gives you a very effective translation.


For basic information in Russian eg greetings, numbers, etc, you can try Newbury Park.


You might also want to speak to parents about their use and understanding of English..they may use English at home for reading for example.


we have had lots of problems getting stuff translated, this was into Tamil, nothing in our area for Tamil!!


But the problem also is, that there is no funding to pay for tranlations for PVI's. Schools have a budget for this.


Our problem was the fact that we needed IEP's translated, can't ask another parent as this breechs confidentiality.


there are websites i know, but they probably will charge


Tamil was always a problem here too.

I used a translation site once, it was free and the parents were really grateful. There is a warning though that the sites might not translate exactly right but the one I did was in Greek and there were no problems.

I think the site was called Inter Tran.


I speak italian and the translation between english and italian is nearly right but not quite. enough for me to understand but that's because I knew what I was writing. So I'm not sure how correct it would be in other languages.

Thats the problem of translating unfortunately, a word written wrong or pronounced wrong can make a big difference.

Good luck I have sometime 3 or 4 different languages spoken in my setting and it can be fun!!!!

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