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What's On Your Early Years Christmas List?

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Laid watching the snow falling freely and am beginning to feel a little festive at last, and thinking about the shopping to be done....which quickly moved on to


What would I ask The big fella for, to make early years better, my job easier etc etc


Think mine would be

• a clock that stopped time to allow me to 'catch up'

• a force field at the door to make everyone upbeat and whizzy

• self writing, accurate invoices

• the funny things the children say and do, 'bottled'

• a magic wand... For staffing issues, washing up, (housework, not strictly work related but would lessen the guilt a little!)


What would be on yours?????


Good thinking Geraldine :o


Awww Finleysmaid that's awful news...unless everything goes to plan and you get your fabulous new setting quickly and then you'll be laughing all the way. Was the news a surprise?


Fingers are crossed Sunnyday, have some Harry Potter jellybeans ready to offer her, the ones with 'good mood' ingredients :)


• I'd like to add a snow machine (with proper olden day snow that we had when we were young in the 70's!) that can turn on and off as and when so the children get to experience all the wonderful opportunities that it offers


thanks for that gingerbreadman....we were given notice a short time ago and we have to be out by sept 2011 ...unfortunately the plans have been held up and we will now have to find temporary premises for the next year xD have two places in mind ....hopefully hear next week :o

well Happy Maz now i have my new fsf badge that appeared in the post this morning perhaps i'll wear it at the next network meeting xD

When's that then? :o


Hope your plans for a new building work out, even if you do need temporary digs! That would be a pretty big wish for Santa to grant you!

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