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Interviewee Forgot!

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Hi Everyone


I have began interviewing this week for a part time position in my Pre-School, 1st interview this morning not very sucessful! Applicant had quite negative body language, explained that she would be halving her present hourly rate (rate explained before interview!) and that she would go home and let me know if she wanted the job!! So not a good start!

2nd applicant due at 12.15pm, 12.40 came and went no sign both myself and deputy waiting to go home!! Tried calling applicant and no answer so we went home!! Eventually spoke to her and she said she had forgot!! Also said she hadn't had her confirmation letter (everyone else had, all posted same day in same post box!), anyway she has asked if she can re book her interview! Don't know what to say as at the moment feeling pretty annoyed about the time waisted today, but not sure where I stand. ALthough I invited her for an interview she didn't turn up so do I have to rearrange the interview or can I just say sorry but I am unable to find another suitable time!!

I know this sounds harsh but it's how I feel at the mo!! :o



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Don't shut the gate before the horese has bolted! There may heve been a huge problem in their life and that may be whiy they forgot? (you never know).


Been there too many times myself - we interviewed a few people, chose the most qualified and then panicked as they weren't up to much...chose our second in line and they were just fab!


It's the hardest thing ever and there is little help or training.


Best of luck,



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I am just starting the same process as you. Interviews are on wednesday. I haven't counted how many applicates we have had but about 30 so its difficult to select the people to interview.


I don't think I would offer her another interview, It can't be very important in her life. She may forget to turn up to work.


Any way good luck.

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I am just starting the same process as you. Interviews are on wednesday. I haven't counted how many applicates we have had but about 30 so its difficult to select the people to interview.


I don't think I would offer her another interview, It can't be very important in her life. She may forget to turn up to work.


Any way good luck.


Wow wish we had 30!! had the grand total of 7!!! And 2 of them declined before we even got to interview stage!! Have another interview tomorrow so will see what happens!!



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perfectly entitled to say no to her as she has missed the boat...interview was at that time and that's it! i would not trust her again i'm afraid...after all what is going to stop her forgetting to come to work! i'm assuming there was no other reason given ...if she had a good reason she would have given it surely!?! :o

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Wishing you the very best of luck. It is so hard and can be incredibly stressful for you and your staff.


Hopefully one person will shine through, but if not, re-advertise fast, put up notices everywhere (I've pinned them onto trees and fences before). Do not under any circumstances take second best as you will end up with a lack of dedication.


And finally, just to explain, the only reason I said this applicant may have a better excuse behind her 'forgot' one is because I panicked once and said I 'forgot', when in actaul fact my bag had been stolen and that had my diary in it!


Have a good day tomorrow


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Hi Kris,


Definitely wouldn't re-invite her, it smacks of a lack of commitment.


It took us two rounds of advertising/interviews last year to get our great new staff member (who is leaving *sob* but that's a whole other story).


Definitely worth sticking out for the right person and she is not that person.

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Definitely worth sticking out for the right person and she is not that person.

I'm not so sure I'd agree with you that she's not the right person, SuzieC8 - this may have been a blip at a seriously stressful part of this person's life and may not be indicative of her usual conduct.


I must admit I'd probably give her the benefit of the doubt and arrange another interview, but I'd want to be very sure that this was just a blip and not a true reflection of how she is all the time. If she turned out to be the best candidate and I offered her the job I'd be asking very detailed questions about timekeeping and reliability from her referees!


All that said, if I had forgotten an interview I think I'd be too embarrassed to take it further, would apologise profusely and withdraw with as much dignity as I could muster.

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Had a lovely lady come in this morning, had experience and sound knowledge of the eyfs, h&s, learning journals etc! She has a level 2 qualification a Cache certificate support in teaching and learning in schools, have been on CWDC website as wasn't familiar with this qualification. It says that it is not full and valid in Early Years, however applicant had to specialise in an age group and she chose age 3-5 years (early years surely) she passed with distinction! Has anyone else heard of this qualification and is there anywhere I can investigate further!

Have to say the qualification isn't the be all and end all as there are five of us at the moment and four of us have relevant level 3 qualifications!

Thank you!



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That's excellent news, Kris.


We are finding that more and more applicants have TA qualifications. I suspect schools are cutting numbers of TAs as budgets tighten.


Could she do some kind of conversion course? Probably easiest to speak directly to the CWDC who I have found quite helpful on the phone.

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We've been interviewing recently for a non-teaching post (my first time) and although I didn't think it, the first impressions really are indicative of the content of their references. Not responding to invitation, turning up late and manner in interview really DO count. If they forgot about the interview, then I would forget them! Being on the other side of the interview table has really taught me a lot for the future! :o

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Kris, just further to what I said about the CWDC being helpful, I phoned them again today asking something similar to you. The woman insisted that a TA level 3 couldn't count in ratios. Lucky my leader directed me to the EYFS, as of course they could count in ratios, but not as level 3 qualified staff. So, not always all that helpful!

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Kris, just further to what I said about the CWDC being helpful, I phoned them again today asking something similar to you. The woman insisted that a TA level 3 couldn't count in ratios. Lucky my leader directed me to the EYFS, as of course they could count in ratios, but not as level 3 qualified staff. So, not always all that helpful!


Hi suzie

Just a bit confused..does that mean anyone who is not level 3 qualified cant be included in ratios?I thought all staff were included in ratios otherwise why ever have unqualified staff or those below level 2?

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We have a member of staff with level 3 TA qualification and she can be in ratios but not as a qualified member of staff. The CWDC recommended she do some parts of the new level 3 diploma but I am still waiting for them or the colleges to tell me which parts because no one seems to know! However she is a fab member of staff and we don't need her to count as full and valid for our staffing levels so I'll pursue it in the new year, but if anyone does find out before me I'd be really grateful if you could let me know.

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