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Do I Interfere?


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Hi all

Well the deputy of the school club for which I am on the committee is awful at paperwork and filing.


We have cheques for late booking fees in backs of cupbaords, I went in a few weeks ago and found old accident forms incident forms not filed away, paperwork in draws and not locked up and today a staff member has not been paid as she didnt hand in his bank details to treasurer and she now cant find them! Truely awful and very frustrating.

Being in the childcare profession I have supported this girl whilst she has been doing the managers job but there is only so much i can do or else Imight as well do the job myself. I have already spoken to her about this and she then went on a massive spree of half sorting the filing cabinet out (but never finished it). Im hoping the new manager who started yesterday will be more organised. Both are young girls (21).


I just think should I be interfering in this way? I bet most of you would be really annoyed if a committee member did this to you?! However I feel most of you are experienced.


Should I just let it go and hope that it sortts itself out? We are over 4 and half years since last OFSTED so are due any time and committee have worked really hard sorting out updated policies, appraisal system, contracts, job descriptions and doing the SEF. Perhaps we are doing too much?

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Well, technically the chain of command is through the chair of the committee to the manager - although deputy would, well, deputise if there isn't a manager.


However, I think that the grounds for you interfering are strong - important paperwork not properly filed - imagine if those injuries resulted in a longtemr disability and there was a courtcase? And staff nto being paid - suppost he loosed his house?


So good for you!

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I'd hang on a bit for now and see how the new manager deals with things. Just make sure she is aware that you have seen the lack of organisation and hope things will improve.


Yes think you are right. Me and chair going to have first meeting with new manager to go through a few things so hopefully she will then take all this on board and then see how it goes. I feel that the staff have now got to take on more responsibility given that they now have a full team. Fingers crossed.

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Maybe you could offer to help the new manager go through and sort it all out. It could be a very daunting task for someone inexperienced so a bit of help to get things straight could be just what she needs to start her off on the right foot. She might be dreading it and be very relieved by your offer. If she'd rather plough through it on her own she can always say no can't she?

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Could you do a kind of interim appraisal? I think they call it a supervisory meeting.


That way you could raise your concerns and see what she has to say about them.


I have to say I have a wonderful lead practitioner, I don't know what we would do without her and I am happy to support her however she wishes. It must be really tricky when your most senior staff don't do their jobs properly.

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