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Commitee Problems

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the new commitee took over in sept, all the staff had reservations with the new commitee members -mainly due to the fact that none of them had children in the setting -i tried to dispel any fears they had -told them to give them a chance, etc........well, now i have egg on my face.


the new commitee are totally useless, we havent seen the chairperson for nearly 4 weeks, despite us having a visit from ofsted -we requested a meeting nearly 3 weeks ago, but so far have heard nothing back. the treasurer has messed up the staffs wages for 2 months, no-one received a payslip last month, so we have no idea if our pay is correct or not. i believe their is a conflict of interest issue with the new chairperson -which could have a big impact on our setting.


the secretary seems to be around 'in name only' and is concentrating on 'other charitable projects' they are participating in.


i find that i am now having to organise everything -payroll, sort out the christmas trip, christmas party, gifts and cards for the children,funding forms. parents are asking me about their invoices ( i think they have been messed up too ) because a commitee member is never around what am i supposed to do ?


we have requested a meeting with BBIC, as i can see the whole thing becoming a total mess - - i dread to see what state the finances are in, and am tempted to take over the book-keeping too.


staff morale is rock bottom, they all feel they have been left to struggle on, with no help, guidance, support or interest from the new commitee at all.

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Yes request an urgent meeting with BBiC.

Oh how I know how you feel!


Not much else I can say but I am concerned though that none of them have children in the setting - isn't it supposed to be 60/40 (If you are under the PATA constitution)?

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I do feel for you.

It concerns me too that none have any chiildren at the setting as this means that at least they have a vested interest to make sure things are ok.


Must be very unsettling for staff..


Can you tell me what the BBic is?

Arent you able to call an emergency meeting in anyway (check your constitution). They must meet at least so many times in the year.


Keep us informed.

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I do feel for you.

It concerns me too that none have any chiildren at the setting as this means that at least they have a vested interest to make sure things are ok.


Must be very unsettling for staff..


Can you tell me what the BBic is?

Arent you able to call an emergency meeting in anyway (check your constitution). They must meet at least so many times in the year.


Keep us informed.

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Oh dear what a mess. I'm sorry I have no idea what the BBiC is either, but as Marley says anyone can call an EGm (emergency meeting) if there has not been one for a cartain amount of time. DO check your constitution and see what it says, then quote it to ALL of your committee. They are all equally responsible to ensure the legal side of things are kept up. I have never understood why people who have no children at a group would want to sit on their committee? Threaten to close, naming them as beoing responsible and see what happens. It drives me nuts, when people think they can just put their name to something and not follow it through- do they not realise they have a legal duty to carry out or ensure that things are carried out in their name?

I hope you get this sorted, are you a PSLA member? If so ring them and see what they say.

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I can sympathise - our committee is actually very good but because of circumstances I am also finding more and more is coming back on staff... I was for a while spoiled by having regular (4 or 5 x a week) contact with my chair and I felt for the first time in years that I actually had a line manager that did line manage and knew what she was talking about / trying to achieve!

After she got a full time job though this has gradually reduced as she is not bringing / collecting children any more.

I got used to the regular contact to be able to make requests, share any issues and she was / is really good at motivating and supporting me let alone the rest of the staff.

With her support I felt I was able to move on more and things were finally getting done but then it has gradually begun to get less and less and Ive been feeling more like its all down to me / staff again...without the chair geeing people up the rest of the committtee have also contributed less.


I wonder that maybe I shouldn't be needing / expecting this contact as I am the supervisor and the pre-school should be able to run with staff just doing their thing...while committee just deal with fees, wages, finances, petty cash..etc etc


I want more contact and to feel I have some back up - which I do but now in a 'I'm here if you need me...but it may take some time" sense rather than the old "I'm here for you now - lets get to it!" one..

I dont feel I can keep calling about stuff and I can't ask her to come in more...not with the workload she has already and the fact she is a volunteer.

I feel I cant expect anything as she has a hevy workload adn is only doing this as a volunteer - in my experience trying to get more leaves you with nothing because they cant cope and just give up...however I do get that feeling that without that 'visible' support (and it doesnt have to be the chair - could be any committee member but they are not all as approachable as the chair!) the progress we have made is stalling...


We are so grateful to have her but desperately want more ...and then I feel guilty for thinking that because she does try so very hard!

So basically I guess I'm thinking am I relying too much on the chair...do I just need to accept that a good chair is just a bonus for a while and be grateful for that..?

It shouldn't have to be like this.:o


I'd pay her to be chair so she could give up her job if I could..!!.

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Have you checked you constitution. I thought most had to have children in the setting.


How do you get things signed if you never see them?


We are committee run but I organise most things including Payroll, accounts, policies, newsletters, parties, outings, ordering. I think these days it is too much to expect anyone to do this as a volunteer. If I haven't got time then I pay someone else to do it.


At the moment are committee want to change to a LTD company to reduce their liability, but I can't see it happening as they won't sort it out.


Best of luck.

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thanks for all your replies, i feel happier knowing that things should not be running this way ! only 1 0f the commitee has a child in the setting, the other 2 have younger children who will not be starting for another 9 -12 months !.

we dont get things signed, post is hanging about for weeks, invoices, bank statements etc, we have to watch out for them in the school playground and quickly run out if we see them !!!

if we need a quick chat just to confirm a query - or just a quick yes / no , we have no - one to give us that, and i dont feel we should be given 'free reign' as we are unaware of the financial situation, and dont want to spend out on training, resources etc without getting an 'official' nod first.


also, at the agm when this commitee were voted on, 2 of them were not present -are they still able to be voted on without actually being there ?


i think if we suggested we close , they would not care. they dont seem to be taking this seriously at all.


i know more and more is put onto and expected of the commitee now ( i was myself on the committee for 3 years) i fully understand how hard and overwhelming it all is....but i told them when they first stepped up, that i would help anyway i could and they only have to ask.


i will look through our constitution tommorow -and chat with the staff about a egm.


roll on next friday !! :o

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i told the chair that we had still not received a payslip for last month, she sort of shrugged her shoulders and said she would sort it.

also had payroll forms from pata this morning, i am unable to get the payroll 'file' from the treasurer -and pata need to know whats been paid etc for the last 2 months so they wages can be processed properly this month.

what a nightmare !

hopefully a meeting has been arranged for the beginning of next week.

anyway - now just need to finish organising 2 christmas outings, a christmas dinner a toddler christmas party, pressies and cards for all the children, funding forms, wages.all within the next 6 working days..... :o

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could you afford to get a wages company to do the payroll ( have a look onlins they are really quite cheap) then you could offer her a get out clause for that part of the job...or use it as a negotiating tool with her :o



We did just that a couple of years ago - similar probs, estimations on wages and the classic quote 'I'm sorry, I do have a life outside of this place and I'll sort out that staff tax and national ins next time when I have time'. I'll never forget that one!

We use the Preschool payroll service. It does cost, but the work is done for you and they are fab at communicating...our staff think it was worth every penny.


I did the research, brought it to the committee and presented them with the plan.


Been there with these committee probs - we never even saw my chair for a whole year once!



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Hi, I've been following this post and thinking about what you could try.


Are you a charity run setting? If you are, I think you would be within your rights to complain to the charities commission. If not, I think you will have to contact your LEA and explain the situation. I always emphasise to other committee members that the one thing we simply cannot afford to get wrong is staff wages.

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Thanks again all for your help, previous commitee were using PATA for the payroll, new commitee decided not to use them, and got a 'friend' to do the wages instead.....still no payslips or payroll info today, had my head bitten off in playground when i asked if they were available -then informed if i wanted it to go and get it myself !!!.......well i would if i could but i have no idea who has them !!

i give up now, been polite and as proffesional as i can. will have to phone PATA tommorow and explain i have no info, hope they can still process the wages for us !


on a lighter note......we are all going out for a christmas meal next week -staff, parents and commitee ....... :oxD , should be a bundle of laughs !!!

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Thanks again all for your help, previous commitee were using PATA for the payroll, new commitee decided not to use them, and got a 'friend' to do the wages instead.....still no payslips or payroll info today, had my head bitten off in playground when i asked if they were available -then informed if i wanted it to go and get it myself !!!.......well i would if i could but i have no idea who has them !!

i give up now, been polite and as proffesional as i can. will have to phone PATA tommorow and explain i have no info, hope they can still process the wages for us !


on a lighter note......we are all going out for a christmas meal next week -staff, parents and commitee ....... :oxD , should be a bundle of laughs !!!



Have a great time- you can get some info from the websites for tax and nat ins about what should legally be on your payslips - and yes it is illegal for them not to give you a payslip. Take it further and get yourselves protected - are you members of a union?



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Well, things are no better. treasurer 'dumped' all the accounts on friday , basically she's now quit ! i phoned the chair to see why all the accounts had been left with me at the setting, she said she knew the treasurer was going to leave (then why didnt she let me know to pre-warn me !!)


a meeting had been arranged for yesterday....but the chair told me fri afternoon (after i had called her ) that she wouldnt be able to make it !!! if i had not called her we would of assumed the meeting was happening and turned up for it !


the new committee are not able to sign cq's or have anything to do with the bank account -the old commitee are still signatories, and they are reluctant to sign cq's ect (understandably)


we have no idea if we are going to get paid this week - i have sent payroll off to PATA, and its due back this week, but if no -one is able or willing to sign a cq what are we supposed to do ?


we have had to use the money the staff raised from the christmas raffle (again , that the staff organised ) to pay for the christmas dinner food----as no-one is either around to ask for any money, or unable to give us money !!!


its a total mess.


we are in contact with the BBIC now, and the staff will chat again at the end of the week to see how things are going -if we have been paid etc. we are planning a call an emergency meeting with all parents / commitee etc after christmas.


thank god we are quite a sensible bunch of people, and are able to manage ourselves.


phew........now i need a drink lol !!!

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Could you arrange with the old committee that they resume their roles for a couple of weeks at least until the wages are sorted to some degree.

Our staff are paid by BACS. I arranged a standing order at the bank who pay the accountant, she then sends whatever is owed to staffs own accounts. Much simpler than waiting for someone to sign a cheque.

Someone needs to be documenting everything too I would think. For your own peace of mind if nothing else. The commitee are your employers. They are responsible for overseeing the setting to make sure it complies with charity law as well as employment law.

You might have an inclusion in your insurance that covers committees should the worse happen and you run out of money or have to close, but it will depend on if they have been trying to fullfill their roles as they should.

The charity commissison have more powers than you'd think, you dont want them on your case if they ever get wind of whats happening. Really, I know!

They are really out of order to treat the staff in this way and also the setting users. If words arent having the desired effect I really would put your concerns in writing signed by all the staff.


Hopefully your meeting in the new year will bring some fresh faces to the table and all will be well.

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Hi fimbo i am not sure what neck of the woods you are in, or whether you are PSLA committee run. But what i would suggest if you are is to contact your PSLA adviser as soon as possible.

There are many things that lead me to think that your overall committee and running needs urgent help and support.

As one previous post has stated staff wages are an integral and vital thing to get right.[ lets be honest they don't work for the huge wages] ha ha.

If you are PSLA committee run setting three committee members is insufficient to run.

As Spiral has also said you really don't want the Charity Commission breathing down your necks.

We have a company that has been previously recognised within the PSLA that deal with all our wages, Bacs payments etc for a nominal monthly fee, pm if you would like more information.

Please let us know how you are getting on.

kind regards :o

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I agree contact the PSLA immediately - have you not got a council business adviser or Advisory Teacher. Get them all on your side. Also with our PSLA constitution committee members cannot stand down if there is only a few left, you have to wait till their are replacements. The trouble is that so many people take on the role without realising the responsability behind it and as soon as they do they are off. I totally sympathise how unsettling it is for staff though. I do hope you get it sorted soon x

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