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Hello you lovely people with hard drives stacked full of recording sheets|


I'm trying to do an overview sheet for curriculum coverage I want to demonstrate that the majority of EYFS areas are covered all the time at nursery and not just as isolated activites


I want to map our usual day showing how each aspect of our 'normality' ties into the development matters areas. For example, for children, knowing that you have your own peg, with your name on it and with a little bag to put your 'treasures from home' in bolsters self esteem and enhances their feeling of self worth when we have our circle time and they can collect their treasure and share it with the rest of the group. Now, that isn't an activity .... It's what we do everyday (twice). I need somewhere to put it as an example of our ability to address particular Dev. Mats points.


I'm hoping that by mapping out our normal day (without the focussed activities or the spontaneous child led activities) I can see where we need to put more time and resources in our focussed sessions.


What I want is a list of all the Dev Mats points, with the age bands still in but with the rest of the writing out - so I can put my own in. You might have one that you use to record individual children's progress or you might have one as part of your planning profile.


If you have anything that I might be able to adapt I'd be pleased!!! Even if you've got the Dev mats points typed up somewhere I could prob muck about with it and make what I need. I've tried cutting and pasting from the online doc but the formatting is so time consuming!! That's my least fave option!


Anyone help me? I'll upload what I manage to do if anyone wants to share what they've got!


In anticipation!


pw xx


What a fantastic idea, I did think about doing something similar for us, I thought it would help students/new staff - but have never got around to doing it (as usual!) I would love to see it once you've finished.


Would this help? I think it may have been something I found on this fab forum anyway!








I've never attached something on here before so it might not work?

Is this the kind of thing you want to adapt purplewednesday? [PSEeyfs.doc] I have them for all 6 areas and you're welcome to alter as much as you like.


Thank you for sharing that korkycat - I would love to see your other sheets if you wouldn't mind! :o


Thanks everyone - nearly got enough to be going on with ... Continuous provision feels a bit broad brush to me; what I am keen to do is demonstrate that even without any focus activities in my setting we pretty much cover the requirements.

I'll let you know how I get on ... watch this space!


let you know!




I use this to assess my childs progress which you could possible adapt. But as i am reception i only go back to 30-50 months. i have also attached another file which does all the age brackets which i adapted slightly.


do you have area plans? I have a a chart in each area which lists the day to day things children do in the area and which EYFS assessment points they relate too. I cannot attach them as they are on the school portal which i cannot excess form home but i have attached somthing similar i found on my laptop.


Em x





I love this site when you dont really feel you need anything but then you read some posts and threads and before you know it you are downloading stuff!!!


Thank you :o


wow can't wait to read some of these documents properly- am looking at our planning systems atm and this might help support staff confidence that we do cover all areas of learning just within day-to-day let alone weekly plans

Thanks to all who uploaded, sorry I haven't anything myself to upload


I agree with Scarlettangel - I didn't need anything till I looked - Thank you.


Thanks for all the suggested links! I am a KS2 teacher who is now teaching pre-nursery to reception at an international school and feeling slightly out of my depth. Joining this forum has been of immense help so THANK YOU.


Don't know if this helps for anyone, but I produced it to try to make sure we covered everything over the year. When we plan for an area we put a tick in the box, if we find that we have covered an area without planning ie by spontaneous activities, children's conversations etc we tick in a different colour.





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