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Eyclo's For E215

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Posted (edited)

Hi all you very lovely people

Can you help?


Since undertaking E115, I have a new role and setting and it is proving really difficult to gain evidence for the EYCLO's. I am only able to use one piece of evidence from E115 towards E215 :o



One EYCLO I am really struggling with at the moment is EYCLO 11 Evaluate and use ICT to support children’s learning and development

I am no longer in childcare provision, I work within a Children's Centre and the only groups available are 'drop in' facilities once or twice a week where parents bring and stay with their babies/ young children for a couple of hours. There is no computer for the children and very very few pop up/cause and effect toys - (most resources are open ended natural materials). We pay regard to the EYFS but do not implement the curriculum as such due to the nature of the groups (which operate more like a parent/toddler session).

Any ideas for what I can include as evidence please?

The elements of the EYCLO are

Use ICT to support the curriculum

Evaluate ICT and software for use within the curriculum

Plan to use ICT

Use ICT within the curriculum

Monitor evaluate and assess teaching and learning when using ICT


Any help much appreciated.


Edited by Guest

Don't forget that ICT can include telephones/torches/cameras/small electrical stuff that has an on off switch not just the computers - could you not use a range of small eqipment like this to make up an ICT basket ? or a sensory area? I see you have to evaluate software but it doesn't say you have to use it so you could do that as an add on to the stuff you provide. What about cameras ? Can you get the children to take pictures of things they like in the session and use a laptop and photoprinter to make up a book ( laminate the pics and thats another form of ICT) :o

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