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Interview And Observation, Help!


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Dear all!


I got a phone call last night asking me if I am still interested in this post I applied for at a local infant school. Obviously I am and she invited me for interview on Tuesday morning (I'm ok with that) and then she said, and I'll be wanting to come and see you. Is Monday morning ok? Not like I could say no, and to be honest, its better than this week as yesterday and today I've been off with a nasty cold and no voice!

Now however its deciding what to do with my lot!

I've got 20 Y1s and 10YRs and I can do literacy or numeracy, but I'm leaning towards literacy as that is easier to do when someone is watching. Next week I'm supposed to be doing fantasy world as my genre, so I guess that's a good start for something creative. Has anyone any good ideas on what I can do? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeassssssssssssssssssse help! I really REALLY want this job! Especially as it is only 8 miles away from home and my current job is 21 miles away. Also being an infant school means that I will be happy whatever year group they give me!

Thanks in advance,




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Hi Nich,

Good luck for next week. I think it is important when you are being observed not to do anything so drastically different to usual as it throws the children and all your well established routines and expectations go a bit pear shaped ... !


So I think the structure should be what your children are used to ! Do you have a big book etc. to focus your activities around or it could be a shared story writing / making focus.


I think Heads now are really looking for your awareness of different learning styles and catering for different styles in your activities (visual, auditory and kinaesthetic) so you could provide lots of inspiring visual stimulus e.g. treasure chests, amazing dressing up clothes or interesting objects such as keys, masks etc.


Sorry this isn't very specific advice ... it's a bit tricky when you don't know the type of resources you have or the way you work .. do something you feel confident teaching ... maybe something similar to a great lesson you have taught before !


I have an interview myself tomorrow so it's helping to calm me down trying to calm you down !


Best of luck

Galleon :o

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Good luck then galleon, hope it goes well.


Nichola, I was going to say much the same as Galleon. Dont do anything you are not comfortable with and stick to your routines etc--that after all is what she wants to see. At least you will be working with children you know and are not being asked to work with an unknown group in the other school so go for it and wow them!

My only thought is why numeracy or literacy? You are a music specialist, arent you and music is a subject that is much is demand here? You are being given an opportunity to really sell yourself here. And if your answer is but we always teach literacy and numeracy in the mornings then My response is so what! If on the other hand you have been asked to teach one of these that is different.

Good luck.

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Thanks for the good luck wishes , .. I got it ! Hurrah !!! All the best Nich ... hope all goes well for you too next week !


Galleon :D

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Thanks for all your replies. I'm in the middle of planning my whole week of literacy for that week as I've decided that will show off my class and me at our bests and I've been asked to teach literacy or numeracy. I have some VERY poor writers and readers in my class but I think I've found something to appeal to them (a castle adventure story, knights, dragons, princesses to rescue etc!)

I've just got my letter through and its got the questions I'm going to be asked already here! Bit scary like that, but at least it gives me time to think about them.


My current school now couldn't be more helpful with this interview, funny that!! :o

Ahh well, fingers crossed for Monday and Tuesday. I shall of course let you all know what happens!




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Don't forget to show in your planning what you would offer for those gifted and tallented children in your class.



Thanks :) I have actually already done that as I have 1 YR child who is working at a level way above Y1, even Y2 level when it comes to reading and some aspects of writing. Also got all my SEN marked on too (I have a child with a statement for Autism who has full time support)

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Have just read all the post on this issue.I too have an interview on Monday.. a class of 15 Reception children for 30 minutes.I really need this job as my school is unexpectdly closing down in July.I thought as the class are doing the topic of growing I would choose a literacy slant.Ifanybody can think of a book that will really involve them interactivelyI would be so grateful plus any rhymes or songes to fill in the time.It is really really important to me.Thanks everyone.

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Good luck to you joanne,


At my preschool we've just done Jack and the Beanstalk, but over a few weeks. The children acted it out for the Easter Show. The story lends itself to different characters, what do you think happens next, anticipation and can be shortened, depending on concentration spans.


Part of the story where the mother throws the beans out the window I adapted a song, which the children do actions to, and links with growing;


sang to the tune of I'm a little teapot,


I'm a little bean small and round,

Bury me deep under the ground. ( bend down into a ball)

Sprinkle on some water, ( children look up and 1 child or adult pretends to water the beans)

Some sunshine too. ( children crouched, do a sun ray movement with arms)

Watch me grow as tall as you. ( all stand and stretch up as high as they can).

If not there is always Mary, Mary, quite contrary.


Not much time to practice, but hope this helps.



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Good luck with the interview then Joanne.

A story with size comparisons could be interactive?

"Titch" or "Alex's new clothes", perhaps?


Congratulations, Galleon---hope the job is all you want it to be!


Nichola, thats interesting, sending you questions. Not sure I like that though?! Do let us know what they are afterwards. Hope it all goes well.

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Susan, I don't like it!!!! It means I've got no excuse for not having the perfect answer by the time Tuesday morning comes! I hate some of the questions on there too, those really tricky 'a lesson that has gone really well' question I hate them because I can never think of anything!


Ahh well, I will let you know the result on Tuesday or maybe Wednesday.

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Just to let everyone know who cared, I didn't get the job, said I was too over enthusiastic and went on a bit, rather than just answering the questions and stopping, also said I should have worn a suit, ahh well, wasn't the school for me, better luck on Wednesday I hope!

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Poor You! Never mind - as my granny says "What's for you won't go past you" !!! Who wants to work for someone who doesn't like people to be enthusiastic and have to wear suits - are they aware of the mess children make?

Good luck with the next one!


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The right school for you is out there somewhere, don't give up :o Sounds to me as if you are perfect Reception material :D


My son's Reception teacher (a few years ago) always wore a suit with a white blouse and there was never a mark on it at the end of the day. I always wondered what on earth she did with the children!


Best of luck with the next one :-)

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oh dear, sorry to hear that Nichola. Assume you have something else in the pipeline and if so good luck.

And by the way, I dont have a suit either! and I was turned down for a job recently because I was " too nice"! :o So I take comfort from the fact that at least I got an interview!

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Thanks for your replies! My next interview is on Wednesday, in a rather affluent area in Cheshire. From what the head said on the phone (being confirmed by letter hopefully arrive tomorrow) I'm spending the whole day there. In the morning I'll be in one of the YR/1 classes (they have 2 apparently) or the Y1/2 class. During that morning I've got to do a 30 minute story time, but not just a story (so I'm going to do the Gruffalo, as it is a fabulous story and I've got the song book so I can teach them the song!) and the rest of the time I'll be spending in that class, working with the teacher and talking to the kids etc. Then after dinner (which I can spend in or out of school, my choice) its interviews. I'm going to be 1 of 3 people there having been shortlisted from over 100 candidates!!

My only quandry is, do I go and buy a suit/smarter trousers and a jacket that I can wear for the interview and just wear the trousers and a top during the day as I'll be in with the kids, and then put the jacket on for the interview? Now this blimming thing has got me thinking. I just don't own one but if silly governors like the suit, then I'm prepared to wear one for 1 day in my life!! What does anyone think?

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Leather trousers, that's what I say, easy wipe clean. :D

( no, I jest). Wear what you feel comfortable in, you know that ambiguous style "Smart but comfortable"

Love the Gruffalo story, good luck. :D




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Hi Nichola, I dont own a suit as already stated but having found myself in the interview situation on the wrong side of the table, ie the interviewee! I have worn a dress and jacket or skirt and jacket as I do own one of those-although its not something I wear regularly. Im also happier dressed up in a dress/skirt than in trousers but nearly always wear trousers to work.


I am inclined to agree with Sue's what you see etc attitude and I would defintely say you need to be comfortably and appropriately dressed, but suits etc do seem to be the workplace/head's dress code and at my son's school that is the uniform code for the sixth form. As we do need to conform to certain standards and rules for at least some things then perhaps a smart jacket would not be an unnecessary purchase? There are some nice jackets around at the moment too, so happy shopping!!

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Just to say, I had my interview and story observed this morning so I am now just waiting for the answer! It's down to me or this guy (who was wearing a cream suit, made me think of those Liverpool cup final ones some years ago!). Just waiting to hear now, god I'm nervous!!!

Fingers crossed everyone!

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