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Fed Up With Flooded Room!


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Just wanted a moan really, and some ideas. My room flooded over Christmas and is going to take several weeks to repair! My class and I have decamped to the library (a mezzanine above hall) and part of the hall. I have moved a lot of resources/furniture and have put up displays and tried to set up different areas to try and make the children feel as at home as possible. They were like little lost lambs at the end of last week though. They were so independent before Christmas but thats all gone at the moment. I am trying to be as positive as possible but its hard! We have no access to our lovely outside are due to builders etc and can't make too much noise in hall due to other classes. Also, the hall is used for assemblies/ lunches so I kepp having to move everything. We are making best of situation and having hall does mean we have a large open space we can use. Last week we made dens using the PE equipment, and I thought this week I'd put the staging up so they can do 'shows'. Does anyone have any good ideas for making the most of the situation? Our theme at the moment is 'Jack and the Beanstalk;. I know lots of you work in pack away situations so might have some thoughts?

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Sorry to hear about you room it must be a complete nightmare!!!


Is there any way you can make a beanstalk up to the mezzanine and then turn that area into the giants land??? I don't know if that possible or not with the pack away situation but just an idea


Hope you get your room back soon



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Do you have the flexibility to 'abandon' the planned theme and change to one that fits with the current predicament ?


Maybe ideas around, moving;


Find stories about moving home.

Packing activities - how best to pack different items. (science-properties), (Maths-different sizes/shapes of boxes)

bubble wrap activities (creative)

Choices, If you could only take one item when you move, what would it be? discover the children's individual favourites. (problem solving)

Learning addresses- old classroom address / new hall address, home addresses (literacy)

How does it feel when we move, what excites us about the move, what do we miss from the 'old' classroom? (phse)


Then maybe some ideas around the flooding;


if you can get outside,

empty containers and containers of water and a selection of unusual items that can/cannot transport water- sponges, spoons, cloth, plastic sheet, (ie: absorbent, non absorbent)- can you move water from one container to another. This can also be done with puddles !!!!!


ideas about how they would like the refurbished classroom decorated.


Hope this helps.



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Thanks for ideas. I love the idea about making the mezzanine 'giant land' - we have a castle tower we made last term so I could put that up stairs and make it the giant's castle, and we could wind a 'beanstalk' up the stairs. I also like the idea of focussing on the flood - my class would love transporting the water. Thanks for your help!

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