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Inside And Outside Roleplay For Chinese Ny

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Anyone got ideas for my outside shed role play area.



Inside will be a chinese restaurant, as want to be able to model it, and think there are more adults available to capture language. Could I do the same role play in the outside shed, or I was thinking of a kite making workshop, or a maths tangram making area.....



ANy good ideas out there.



ALSO: I have a book cleversticks, about a CHinese boy starting school and doesn't feel good at anything until he realizes he is the only one who can use chop sticks......anyone got any other good books.


How about a pottery in the outside shed you could have paper plates to be decorated in the Chinese Willow pattern or even have clay, such as Scola Air Drying Modelling Clay, and the children have to make their own plates! Coiling is an easy way to make a plate. Large coil and then smooth out. Once they are dry the children could again decorate them.




I did my planning last nite and really pleased its all done. Like you got a bit stuck for outside...byut it was actually my kids that gave me the idea. In class at the moment, they are loving those go go hamsters. So they are building a track for it using the wooden blocks, and they race their go go hamsters and record the results on a large sheet ofpaper. The amount of video ive got of them building it, modifying etc is great. ANYWAY IN CHINESE NEW YEAR THERES A SHORT STORY ION THE BRITISH COUNCIL WEBSITE CALled 'THE Great Race' where the animals race and thats the peking order for their calendar. ao outside we will be having animal races and introducing ordinal numbers. Recording results again on a fli chart.


hope that helps. cN Upload my planning if you like




the chidlren act out the story of Naan the chinese monster im sur eif you google him you will get the story think I got mine from activty village. I made a big story board and retell the story and then the children act it out making lots fo noise to scare him away. You do have to be sensitive to younger chidlren who can become scared but the boys in particluar love it!! Perhaps this can be told outside in the shed (the chidlren decorate it in red) as Naan is scared of red!


I did my planning last nite and really pleased its all done. Like you got a bit stuck for outside...byut it was actually my kids that gave me the idea. In class at the moment, they are loving those go go hamsters. So they are building a track for it using the wooden blocks, and they race their go go hamsters and record the results on a large sheet ofpaper. The amount of video ive got of them building it, modifying etc is great. ANYWAY IN CHINESE NEW YEAR THERES A SHORT STORY ION THE BRITISH COUNCIL WEBSITE CALled 'THE Great Race' where the animals race and thats the peking order for their calendar. ao outside we will be having animal races and introducing ordinal numbers. Recording results again on a fli chart.


hope that helps. cN Upload my planning if you like




This sounds great popcorn - we have a lot of hamster lovers at the moment so I will get them going with a race track - I would love to see your planning :o



Yeah its been a fun week, looking forward to next.


HERES NEXT WEEKS PLANNING FOR YOUON CH NEW YR. ope you can follow it, just ask if you are confused.Week_5_ch_new_yr.doc



whats a go go hamster? I feel like im missing out! and where can i get one?


whats a go go hamster? I feel like im missing out! and where can i get one?


hi all


I want to ask the same thing, sounds great lol

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