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Here we go again (moan time)........


I have mentioned this before somewhere about a certain member of staff not pulling her weight, telling a committee mum that her child had special needs, and is basically lazy(shes been at the setting the longest 7yrs).. Took it to committee who basically said sack her... :(

Chair and i have given her 3 vervbal and now one written waring but agreed to another written as a last hope!!!


Did that and staff member has appealed to committee saying she wants this one taken out of her records!!!! :o


Committee had a meeting last week (without me as i was busy) and are now saying that said member of staff hasnt been supervised or managed properly!!!!!!!!


I am fuming and feel like saying stick your job............ but of course sence of pride and achievement in my setting wont let me!!! :(


The staff member does not want statments taken from other members of staff as she feels it will make an uneasy atmosphere.


Committee now have made a sub committee who are meeting on Wed to get together some questions to put to a meeting involving myself and member of staff over this matter!!!!! xD


Why do i feel like the quilty party in all of this,i took it to committe as im sick and tired of all the other members of staff moaning at me about her!!!!


Anyhow am going to ask to see the questions before meeting, have got all staff to do written statments (they have all volunteered) and have got committe mum also to write statment of what staff member said to her about her child....also printed off all agendas, minutes and letters sent out to staff about working as a team (alll done for her benifit)


anything ive missed out????????


moan over.. thank you for reading :D:(

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Hang on in there, Hali!


It sounds to me as if you have covered all the bases - backing up everything you say with written records, statements etc shows you're acting professionally.


Good luck with the meeting!



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hi hali


What a rotten situation for you to be in... can't offer you any words of advice as you seem to be well prepared (as always).

All I can say is best of luck for Wednesday.



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As everyone has said.... you are well prepared for this meeting.


I can only imagine it was an easy option to say this member of staff hadn't been managed well, due to the fact that you were absent from the meeting. It is beyond me how they could have even held the meeting without you being there???

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Oh Hali! :( Why is it that people are so keen to stick a knife in your back - committees being the worst! They're probably blaming you because that is easier than facing up to their responsibilities as employers and actually firing this woman. Not a nice thing for people to have to deal with, especially when you're not trained how to handle it properly. Not that that excuses them placing the blame with you. I think we would all agree that 7 years is more than enough time for a member of staff to 'settle in' and work out what they're meant to be doing. :o Although supervising the staff is probably part of your work there is a limit!! Do they want you to spend more time 'babysitting' the staff to ensure they're doing their job properly or getting on with other more important things?? xD Don't let them them grind you down!! :D

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keep at it hali, what about apraisals, there must have been some in 7 years..did she achieve the targets set at these. you appear have other areas covered, as usual commitees do not realise how one member of staff can cause so may problems. perhaps they could sit in the sessions and observe the staff working with the children, have you done staff observations as back up evidence..these with evaluations can be valuable in staff not pulling weight



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Although supervising the staff is probably part of your work there is a limit!! Do they want you to spend more time 'babysitting' the staff to ensure they're doing their job properly or getting on with other more important things??


I mentioned to our EYDCP rep that when someone is a level 3 I expect them to be able to do the job properly. Her reply 'Oh dear, you are going to be let down a lot in life if thats what you expect' :o

Keep smiling Hali, you might even convince people it's a real smile and not one of hysteria :(xD

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When and what was written on her 1st written warning?

What actions were required of her?

Did she meet them?

Was she given a chance to object to this 1st warning, USING THE PROCESS STATED IN YOUR GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE?


Is the meeting the committee has planned re: questions regarding her objections, in line with your grievance procedure AFTER A WRITTEN WARNING?


I am worried that if the committee are "backtracking" on previous processes of your grievance procedure it may make the whole thing void, or at least difficult to re-instate previous agreements/requirements.


I would advise your committee to contact your PDW and the PLA legal department, they need to be very careful, should it come to dismissal and the employee sue's for unfair dismissal.

I would of thought that she has previously had every opportunity to state her grievance about the level of supervision or management.


I would also like to ask; Is it the committee that have agreed a lack of supervision and management, or is this what they are saying the employee has said?


This needs to be clear, and if it is the committee then they need to say it to you formally, with specifics, as to how you haven't supervised the employee. Don't get into a situation where you are having to justify yourself over NON SPECIFIC allegations. You should have this information BEFORE attending any question and answer meeting.


And, I don't need to say that the "management" of staff is the committee's responsibility, not yours, it is also their resposibility to ensure you "supervise" to your job description. And if THEY are not/have not been happy with your supervision, this is not the time to deal with you, this is about the employee who has been given a written warning.


I don't mean to sound so serious, but this is a situation that could be taken into legal procedures ( if not now then maybe in the future) So all actions at this last stage of the Disciplinary procedure should be thought about very carefully.


You stick with it Hali, your staff appear to support you, but you don't have to be the backbone for your committee, help them get some legal advice and cover their spineless backs. ( Sorry, but I agree with others you have enough to do without this stress).



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thankyou all.....


peggy... she does improve a bit after her warnngs but it only lasts a few weeks. it is the committee who are saying its lack of supervison. the staff member has never mentioned it and has had lots of pportunity

She does have a L3 qualification, and i will inform committe about speakng to PLA.

again thank you :)

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Hali, this just proves my theoriy that yes, qualifications are important but not as important as the right attitude and disposition required to work with children within a team environment.

And a big BOOOO to the committee if it is only now they are questioning your supervisory skills.

I'm surprised this particular member of staff didn't develop professionally through the process of your recent accreditation.

For your sanity Hali, each day, try and see just one positive input this member of staff gives/does, and hopefully things will look and even change for the better. Where's the flying pigs? :)

No, I'm sure if we all send positive vibes, those pigs will fly.



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Dear Hali,

Only just got on and I am sure you won't have time to read this but good luck. I wouldn't feel guilty but take this as an opportunity to air yours and other grievances in a constructive manner, try and avoid getting personal, although this is obviously difficult I know. As Peggy said I do think that there are lots of issues here which need careful consideration. I am sure you will manage it well and you may even feel better for being able to have this discussion directly with her in the company of others. Make sure you have the right to approve the final report -


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Sub committee met yesterday do devise thier questions!!!!!!!!!


Was asked today if we could meet on 10th May!!!!!! talk about dragging it out. Have statments from all other staff members and from the mum whos child she acused of having speccial needs, so will have to wait and see. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

well last night had the meeting,over 2 hours long and very difficult and tense!!!!!!


Went through points on staff members appeal, and both she and i were asked questions.......


Committee came to me this morning and said that they all fully support me and my staff and were devising a letter to be sent to staff member for Friday, but would speak to me 1st about what was in it.. they did say they might drop 2 out of the 5 points raised as they are extremly concerned that this will go to a tribunal eventually!!!!!!


said staff member was as cool as a cucumber in meeting last night but arrived to work late this morning crying throughout session and not speaking to anyone!!!!!


Glad its over :D:D:D

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Trouble is hali, there are always two sides to every story. Glad to hear that you were supported and probably your committee behaved responsibly in their actions although they seemed long and drawn out. Your staff member is bound to feel distressed whether or not the fault was hers. Take care of yourself.

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Glad that is out of the way for you Hali. It's not a nice thing to be hanging over you. :o Its always difficult to second guess how someone will react in any given situation. Sometimes a person comes out fighting if they feel they've been backed in a corner (whether by their own actions or not) and it seems like that is what has happened here. Let's hope she doesn't decide to draw it out unnecessarily.

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Well done Hali!


I'm glad your Committee have backed your professional judgement, but am worried for you if it does go to a tribunal. Hopefully it won't go that far - I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.



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Conflict does have such a bitter taste, for all concerned. I'm glad you have been supported Hali, have a glass of vino to help take that bitter taste away. Have a good weekend too.



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