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Paying Staff To Attend Training

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Hi im Manager of a committe run charity pre-school and would like to know if anyone else pays their staff to attend training!. I have 2 staff who need to do a level 3 and i am sorting out booking them on a course starting soon. The problem i have is the course is on a day they work and they want to be paid, but i have also got to pay cover staff very expensive!. i want them to swap working days and attend the training which is fully funded. Is this unreasonable, they will get pay increases once they are qualified. :o

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We had a discussion about single days of training earlier this week. The consensus was that staff would get paid to attend one off training days.


However, presumably this is very different and they will have to attend for several months or longer.


If you are not getting funding to cover their posts for supply while they are doing the training, then I don't see that you can afford to pay them when they are not in the setting. Our leader is doing the EYP and we weren't sure if she would get funding to cover her job when she was out of the setting one day a week. She had offered to take that day unpaid. Luckily we are getting paid to provide supply cover from a pot of GLF money, which means that we can carry on paying her.


A level 3 is a longer term investment for these staff in their careers, I think it's perfectly reasonable for you to ask them to move days and not to expect to be paid when they are not in your setting. They could quite easily move elsewhere once you have paid for this training!!

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Our leader is doing the EYP and we weren't sure if she would get funding to cover her job when she was out of the setting one day a week. She had offered to take that day unpaid. Luckily we are getting paid to provide supply cover from a pot of GLF money, which means that we can carry on paying her.

Your EYP candidate should receive CWDC funding which is designed to support the candidate throughout the pathway, including paying staff cover so that she can attend uni and be paid.


I paid my staff member to attend college for the duration of her DPP. Part of it was funded by some graduate leadership fund money, but the rest I paid out of my own pocket. Although she would be able to take her training out of the setting she was only doing a Level 3 qualification because I needed her to in order to get sufficient numbers of Level 3 practitioners in the setting. Left to her own devices she might have done a Level 2, or no training at all.


I believe there are also benefits to the setting in terms of improved practice, higher levels of reflection and new ideas being brought to the group by the practitioner as they are going through their Level 3, especially if they are doing a college based course. I think that is worth some kind of financial contribution, even if groups can't afford to pay the whole amount!

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We use an inhouse training company for our staff who are training for their Level 3's they do the work at home and get assessed at the preschool by their tutor there is no college to attend. Soo much easier and the whole thing is funded by government if they work more then 15 hours. This way we are not paying our staff any extra and they get the qualification which also benefits us. The company is called In Training (I think might have to check that!) :oxD

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we pay for individual mandatroy training days, but level 3 and above the time is not paid as it is a qualification that benefits the memeber of staff as well as us. we do however pay travel to and from the course.


we are lucky ours are held in the evenings for leve 3 and FD are one day a week and staff have this as thier day off as it is thier choice to continue to FD as me and deputy already have it x


this has always been the case with us

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Your EYP candidate should receive CWDC funding which is designed to support the candidate throughout the pathway, including paying staff cover so that she can attend uni and be paid.


That's probably the one we're getting Maz. Thought it was GLF but maybe it's another acronym!


Mind you, it only covers us for her cover, which is less than her wages, so we still lose money. Also, I had to chase them to see whether we could include employer's NI in what we charged them. Apparently we can - every little helps. A lot of settings might not think to do that though.

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That's probably the one we're getting Maz. Thought it was GLF but maybe it's another acronym!


Mind you, it only covers us for her cover, which is less than her wages, so we still lose money. Also, I had to chase them to see whether we could include employer's NI in what we charged them. Apparently we can - every little helps. A lot of settings might not think to do that though.

Well now I'm very confused. You could be getting GLF from your Local Authority which you'd have to apply for and explain what you're going to use the funds for, but the CWDC money is paid directly to the candidate's setting. What pathway is she on? I think we got around £5000 for the long pathway, which more than paid for the cost of my EYP days at uni and to pay me to attend my baby placement (or would have done if I'd been drawing a salary).


Maybe we're talking at cross purposes? For the CWDC funding you don't have to provide any receipts or invoices or prove what you spent the money on - it just turns up in three instalments and you use it for whatever the candidate needs in terms of support. I bought books and resources with mine, including stuff I needed for my activity in my baby placement. I also paid for relevant training and associated expenses.

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I didn't get that amount of funding Maz when I did my pathway. We were able to claim for supply cover for a certain number of days and for some study days. This claim was a total of £400 I think and was claimed from CWDC but through the provider. That and the GLF was all we could claim apparently. I wonder if it varies from provider to provider even though the money comes from CWDC itself?

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I wonder if it varies from provider to provider even though the money comes from CWDC itself?

I'm really not sure, holly! I'm not involved with that side of things at the moment, and I did my pathway sometime ago. Which pathway did you do? £400 seems a very small amount to me!

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I did the 15 month one in 2007. Can't say I'm that bothered now to be honest. I'd just like to know that our LA values the work of EYPs enough to support us financially from the EIG from April!!

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I pay my staff to attend trainings and also pay their supply cover - they are doing training to benefit the Preschool, and I very much value the time they are taking to do this. I can't always afford to pay their petrol money to and from the venue, but I can pay them for the hours they are training.

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Well now I'm very confused. You could be getting GLF from your Local Authority which you'd have to apply for and explain what you're going to use the funds for, but the CWDC money is paid directly to the candidate's setting. What pathway is she on? I think we got around £5000 for the long pathway, which more than paid for the cost of my EYP days at uni and to pay me to attend my baby placement (or would have done if I'd been drawing a salary).


Maybe we're talking at cross purposes? For the CWDC funding you don't have to provide any receipts or invoices or prove what you spent the money on - it just turns up in three instalments and you use it for whatever the candidate needs in terms of support. I bought books and resources with mine, including stuff I needed for my activity in my baby placement. I also paid for relevant training and associated expenses.


The money we're getting is coming from her college - they get it in two amounts from somewhere (GLF?) and we have to send invoices to show how much cover we have had. You can claim up to £4,000 for the long pathway which does include placements and some study days.


I like the sound of CWDC funding - will have to check if we can get that as well!


It does sound like it differs from authority to authority.

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The Working Time Directive States:


Your normal working hours should be set out in your employment contract or written statement of employment particulars.

As well as carrying out your normal duties, your working week includes:

job-related training

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