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Manager And Deputy Walk Out


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What contingency plans do you have in place in case of a mass management walk out in your setting (if any)?!


Basically, the manager and deputy have walked. I have no idea what to suggest to the owner who is now, rightly panicking.


My initial though was to promote one of the L3's pronto but I don't see how that will be successful in the long term. The setting is being watched by Ofsted anyway.


I'm sorry to be so vague, I can't really give too many details as I don't want the setting to be identified.



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I guess that people can be acting up temporarily, however this will be really tricky without addressing the reasons why the setting is in difficulty.


Have you spoken to your local advisor, who may be able to help you get someone in the sort this all out?

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It might not be sucessful in the long term but it would do until the owner was able to employ new staff. Or until the issues surrounding why they walked are ironed out. She needs to advertise quickly too so Ofsted can see she's addressing the problem.

We dont have a contingency plan because I would hope that before it got to that point their concerns would have been addressed, I'd hate to think I was ignoring problems to the extent they had to walk. God forbid, I hate interviewing.

Edited by Rea
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I know what the problem is, I can't seem to do anything about it! The owner is basically digging her heels in and refuses to let let qualified people do their jobs.


The local advisor knows too what the situation is. She just won't budge.


I don't even work there, but I can feel my stress levels rising! I'm sorry, I really can't say anymore than that. I am going in today to speak to the owner, try for the very last time to make her see sense. SHe needs to give a bit to enable things to improve.


In all of this, it is the children I feel desperately sorry for.

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Rea, that's what I was thinking.


My initial thoughts are:

Promote the Senior NN to Deputy (if that can even be done?)

Advertise PDQ for a manager


and that is as far as I've got.

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Clare, I hate to suggest it but I wonder if you need to complain to Ofsted? It's hard to say if this is needed, but something pretty awful must be going on for both leader and deputy to walk out.


The children's needs must be put first, if the manager cannot do this by trusting the practitioners, something is very wrong and I would worry about the children.


What on earth will the parents say when they find out?

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