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Have a question!

We have a parent who clains to have an allergy to oranges at our setting. the school that our preschool is in the grounds of organises our cleaning and started to use a new toilet deoderisor ( sorry about the spelling! its been a long day) containing orange oil. the parent has now stated that she has had a severe allergic reaction to this including facial paraliysis !! and stroke like symtoms and has asked us and the school to stop using the product.



I contacted ofsted and the helpline number on the health and safety posters who told me what I had alrready told her in that if her child or a member of staff had the allergy then, the product would not be used again. but we have no leagl obligation to accomodate a parent allergy as we could open a can of worms by inviteing all allergy sufferers to come forward.

I have informed her of this and she has now taken it further and is seeking legal advice. as she feels we are unco operative!! even though I have agreed to send the keyworker out to the door to collect the child.


Any advice welcome as feel I am hitting a brick wall

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Some people do not need to be in direct contact with an allergen to have quite severe reactions.


Personally, I would have tred to accommodate her - after all, if this is something between yourselves without the rest of the "world" knowing what harm would it have caused, however, now suspect most of the parents will hear about it because she will broadcast it to them!


Your offer to send out Key Person to collect and deliver is a good compromise, but makes her child and her "different" don't you think?


To the cause of peace and quiet I would have a meeting and agree to her request.


We can never know all our parents or children's allergies until they may happen, but when they do and if it is within our power to change things to make it better for them, I don't see why we shouldn't - just treat it on a case by case basis

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Hello Emma, Im sorry to hear that you are finding this situation frustratiing.


I work with someone who has an extreme allergy to oranges and it is certainly very serious, and things like soaps, even perfumes (which often contain orange oil) can set off a reaction for her. We are all trained in use of epipen because of this.


The question I would ask myself is how would you feel if this was your child's school or setting and you had such an allergy. Would you not want them to accomodate your difficulties so that you can take a full part if the life of the school? By not doing this, she is effectively 'excluded' from the setting/school. In this way, then the child is also 'excluded' because their parent cannot access the setting in the same way that other parents can. I would see this as an inclusion issue. Although the parent may not be regsitered as disabled, they are asking for a reasonable adjustmentt to be made, ie that orange cleaning fluids are not used. I would make that adjustment, and take any further cases on their own merit


Given that the setting is on the school site, this problem might well continue for years if the parents chooses to send their child to that school, and so it is in the best interests of the school to try and make an accommodation.


thast my twopenneth anyway

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In normal circumstances I would totally agree with both comment but this particular family have caused nothing but trouble at both my setting and the school are now getting it as their eldest child is there and their youngest in with us. its to long winded to go into detail as there have been numerous incidents that have bneen take too far by them for which we have had legal advice in our favour but they have still pursued! .

I wish I could tell you what they are but cannot unfortunately .

I do not want for yo all to think I am unreasonable as I have accomodated all sorts at my setting and have gone out of my way to include certain things above and beyond what I should .


SO how do people feel about the floodgates opening as this parent will tell others and what do we then do ! avoid milk, dairy produce, and anything else that someone deems an allergy!!!!


Sorry now having a rant as bleive me this is one family NO ONE would want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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On February 9th we are halfway through the school year - it's all downhill from there.


Relax, take a deep breath and go back to your old toilet cleaner for a few months. Make sure you tell her what you have done and say you didn't realise how serious an issue an allergy could be to her, and that now you've given the 'system' time to get rid of the orange oil, of course she's welcome back in. YOur key worker going out to collect the child was only a temporary measure whilst the oil dissipated.


Smile, grit your teeth, nothing is forever - it just feels like it sometimes!

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In normal circumstances I would totally agree with both comment but this particular family have caused nothing but trouble at both my setting and the school are now getting it as their eldest child is there and their youngest in with us. its to long winded to go into detail as there have been numerous incidents that have bneen take too far by them for which we have had legal advice in our favour but they have still pursued! .

I wish I could tell you what they are but cannot unfortunately .

I do not want for yo all to think I am unreasonable as I have accomodated all sorts at my setting and have gone out of my way to include certain things above and beyond what I should .


SO how do people feel about the floodgates opening as this parent will tell others and what do we then do ! avoid milk, dairy produce, and anything else that someone deems an allergy!!!!


Sorry now having a rant as bleive me this is one family NO ONE would want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh Emma sounds like a very difficult family to deal with for you. As Cait says - half way through the year - grit teeth and smile - you can do this - .

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On February 9th we are halfway through the school year - it's all downhill from there.


Smile, grit your teeth, nothing is forever - it just feels like it sometimes!


Oh Cait! brilliant as always - think I'll frame that for my wall xD


and Emmawill - Good Luck!! On a lighter note, I loved your topic heading.... I've had a couple of parents over the years that I think I became allergic to, after being in contact with them regularly :o



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