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Leading From The Child

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I thought I would sahre with you all a fantastic piece of extended learning from the child that I witnessed yesterday.


I was visiting a nursery yesterday and one of the boys, aged 3 1/2 came in wearing a Portugal football shirt. Every member of staff spoke to him about it. At one point we went outside and one of the practitioners organised a football match, because this little boy had worn his football shirt.


She split the group into 2 "teams" set up goal posts, there was a goalie in place etc etc. The practitioner spoke to the children all of the time, giving lots of praise. She spoke about different positions, the ref, yellow card and red card, particulalry when the children started pushing each other. She spoke about throw-ins etc etc. She gave the children plenty of warning of when the game would have to end due to going back inside for lunch.


At full time when she blew the "whistle" she cheered and said well done, explained who had won and why, but said that as they had all played so well they were going to go inside and make "well done" badges/stickers.


Inside we went, she got card, scissors, crayons and pencils and the children were to make badges. She encouraged them all to draw around a circle shape, then cut it out themselves and write their names on it, they were to be decorated after lunch.


All the time this was going on she was talking to the children about the football teams they support, "oh yes so and so, you go to watch whoever don't you", "no son and so you prefer to watch rugby don't you", clearly she knew the children well and their family likes and dislikes


It was a pleasure to witness and to see the engagement from the children.


All because a little boy wanted to wear his football shirt to nursery that morning!!


thanks for sharing, exactly how child led interests should be not pre-set

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