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Hello everyone,


Doing staff appraisals at mo and have got 2 new staff who have been with me for 3 mnths. They have had their probation period so when do they need an appraisal. I give my other staff appraisals yrly so do I give the 2 new staff appraisals now with the others or do I wait til next yr. Do I have to do them more often than every year or a is there a legal requirement of how and when and who does mine. I do have a committee but not one of any use and especially wouldn't want to give their time up for this.

Had a committee meeting last night and only 2 parents turned up. I give up with committees.


Net x :o

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We usually do an appraisal at the end of the probation period. Gives a change to sort out any problems or training needs etc early in empolyment.

Then annually, usually at a time suitable to identify training needs etc and be able to book the courses at college .


Commitees not always the best for appraisals anyway most havent a clue and as only around a short time dont really want to learn!!



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I don't think there is any legal requirement - just best practice. I too am frustrated by the whole committee thing when it comes to appraisals. xD My assistant had one after her probationary period but the committee failed to let me know, so I had no input whatsoever. The mums don't do a duty on the days she works so never actually 'see her in action'. :o My own appraisal last year was a joke too - the chair had only been into the setting 3 times during the entire year. :(

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At the end of the probation period we had a mini appraisal which went on their staff files. But to keep it in line with the other staff, their next one won't be until next may.

My appraisal last year was a joke, my chairperson did do it but had no idea about anything and just said mmmm through it. I had to ask if there was any issues the committee would like to discuss with me. No one had any added any input so the answer was no.

I do the staffs appraisals with my deputy and then me and committee!!! member do the deputys.

Thanks for the input though.


Net x

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I do a mini appraisal after probationary period, then annual appraisals. I offer supervision meetings once a term.


I am the owner so haven't even got a committee to appraise me :D. I thought of having my deputy do it but haven't got round to it yet. :o


I do feel however that I have received positive feedback from many of you on this site and in discussions some constructive critisism of some of my views ( in the nicest possible way), so, if you promise to continue as you have always been I shan't waste my deputy's time. :D


I am also doing a module on my kitemark which covers my role as manager and hope to develop and learn a lot from this, maybe I will come up with a method of appraisal for managers without committee's or with ( disfunctional) ones. I'll let you know.




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we do appraisals once a year but after goig on my good lead good lead course have now added supervision meetings where staff know when they can come and talk to me about anything on one day per week and if we have new staff canuse this timefor them too... :D


Good to see the training has paid off Hali! Incidentally: did you ever receive any of the notes she promised? I haven't and I was wondering if it was because I didn't attend the second session. Or maybe she just didn't like me...



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Peggy, your set-up is very similar to mine. My deputy and I have joint appraisals every now and then when we go out for a meal together! Not exactly professional, but she and I have known each other for years, never disagree on anything, and work in pretty identical ways, so a formal appraisal meeting would seem really funny. :D

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Hi all,


I would dearly love a staff appraisal! I have been at this setting for nearly six years now (officially "employed", rather than just "filling in" as I was for a couple of years previously). In that time, I have had one appraisal - in 2001. I must admit, I found it rather cursory, but it did give me a chance to say where I felt I was failing and what I wanted to do to progress.


I was asked to attend my second appraisal in October last year, but the date given was in the week preceding the deadline for a major training assignment (the end of course assessment that my level 4 qualification was dependent upon). I asked if the appraisal could be postponed for that reason - my time was very precious at that point!


The committee and leadership had no problem with postponing when I explained why. However, a new committee was elected at the AGM at the end of October, and there has been no mention of an appraisal in the interim. However, there are two fairly new staff members (in post since September 2004) and two others who are also unqualified but have been in post for a couple of years. I suspect that "management time" has to focus on these staff (and one other member) who are about to embark on NVQ 2. I know they are all a bit bothered by it.


Although I have no long-term plans to stay where I am, I have half a mind to ask for an appraisal ASAP. Feedback, targets, etc., would be useful to me, both in focussing myself for job applications, and to give me something to work towards if I end up here for longer than I anticipate.


What do all of you think: should I ask to be appraised (I am brave, really), should I mention that I'll not be under such extreme training pressure again until October 2005 (so this term would be OK), or should I just leave it and see if they offer me another appointment? Or do you have any other suggestions?



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I'd ask, in the nicest possible terms that you would welcome feedback on your performance. They are morally obliged to offer you an alternative date, and it seems that it could be very helpful to you at this stage, particularly if you are thinking of moving on in the not too distant future.

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To appraise or not to Appraise - that is the question?? Should it be competency or performanace based - when should it be done and by whom and when?

All these questions are difficult to answer and I don't think there is one sound answer. I think, and as many people on this forum have suggested that an appraisal incorrectly carried out is more damaging than one not carried out at all. It only serves to demotivate individuals as it should not be couched in a way that it criticises individuals performance and it would be hard to avoid this if someone was not competent or knowledgeable about the purpose and type of the appraisal.


I spent nearly 100 hours researching and looking into this very problem and I still don't feel I have the necessary experience or skills to develop a good appraisal even now. How sad is that - perhaps I am not a very good learner!


What I will say though in trying to develop one is that I am going to make a start on this through developing my staff's Professional Development Plans - this can often lend itself to self evaluation - why does a person want to undertake this sort of training - it may give an insight into peoples interests in certain areas and they may already know they have weaknesses in some areas they would like to develop and it may be one way a manager can then advise a staff member of courses she would like her to go on. I can then use this as a tool for assessing how and what was achieved and whether we shold review it and this could then be done through an appraisal system. To just go straight into an appraisal without having the building blocks in place seems to me a "kiss of death".


However, having said all this I do not currently appraise on a formal basis - as a group we appraise each other on a day to day basis and also at our half termly staff meetings, we discuss what we do, how we do it and whether or not we did it well and why - just informal conversations and a reflection of the mornings sessions/half termly plans similar to what Steve does. However, as a group we have been working together for many years so there are no suprises, we all know each other well, can tell each other what we are unhappy about and that may mean with each other too. This I believe is more valuable than an annual formal appraisal. The one thing I did learn was appraising should happen all the time not just at formal appraisal times. Communication skills are vital here. However, I also understand that when this does not happen in groups because of numbers, time constraints, committee changes it can sometimes feel that you are working in a vacuum.


I think everyone should be entitled to a PDP review and this may be one way of introducing a more formal and productive appraisal later on. It is particularly important to have this when there are continual changes to the committee - as it is designed to work both ways and provide some continuity and base for the appraisal.


Could go on for ever as I am still trying to work this one out for myself but I did justify to my accreditation inspector why this had not been implemented backed up with no end of research as to why I was not doing it, as yet - it is obviously a very emotive area and she probably guessed that by bringing this up would develop a highly emotive discussion - probably one she would want to avoid. I did however have all my staffs PDP's in place so that she could see what each others interests were, how they would like to develop and in what areas, and really this area should form the main area of an appraisal system.


Sorry I have rambled on a bit but still trying to justify to myself and later on others why I do not yet..................


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Nicola. What sort of setting are you in? I don't know if its any help but when our pre-school started appraisals I set up a system of self-appraisal as we are a very strong staff team and I did not feel I had the right to inflict myself on my colleagues who, apart from job titles, are my friends and equals - we work together really well. So, we each get a self-appraisal form to fill in as honestly as possible and using our job descriptions as starting points. Once completed I then spend some time reading them before pulling together a summary document which we all discuss at a staff meeting. Its an opportunity to have a good moan, for us to praise a colleague whose perception is that they struggle in a particular area or where we have observed a growth point, an area they are particularly good at. It also helps us be far more objective when booking courses for the coming year, focussing on individual staff development.

It works for us and it may help you. Let me know if you are interested and I will try to post our pro-formas.

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Dear LJW

I would love to see you self appraisals - I have reviewed about 20 and I don't like any of them for a number of reasons, some bits are good and other bits make me cringe - so i have been collating bits I would like to go in to it just to formulate something more formal but I would really like this to flow from the self evaluation which is probably similar to an appraisal at the end of the day. So please send a copy if you have one - many thanks


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For my settings appraisals, I drew up a sheet with sections on self appraisal, how i think they are doing, we discuss what I have said and work together to see how we can improve. Then discuss further traing requirments etc. I am hoping to attach a copy but never done this before. I then put a copt in their staff file and they keep a copy. Both signed by me, deputy and them.


Net x

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Looks good net-thanks for that. This is something we really need to get to grips with and your form has given me some ideas of the way I would like to take it.


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