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Book Loans?

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Hope you can help...........................well, I KNOW you can, so here goes! Someone recently described how they send home books with the children and put in a sheet, asking what the parent/child thought of the story etc................can anyone help me to find it please? I'd like to do something similar with our children and it seemed such a nice idea, I'd like to steal it please! Thankyou :o


Yes thats me narnia.

We had a huge selection of books some purchased others donated and it seemed a good way to share books with home.

I did say i would get a sheet on here, but its on my work computer will try and upload it later today.

The child chooses a book on their first session each week.

We have a index box with each child's name on a card.

When the child chooses a book the title is noted down and dated.

The children have the book for a week, then bring it back and start the process again.

The sheet is an A4 piece of paper with two sections, one for the children to fill in draw or write any comments made noted by an adult.

The second section is for parent/carers to make a comment.

The sheets are then returned weekly and put into the children's learning journals.

We have been doing this for a couple of years now and receive lots of positive feedback from parents/carers and children.

The only time we call the books back in is at the end of the Summer term as lots of children are leaving to go off to school.



I love this idea!!


We have been sharing the books but not going to the next step!!!!


Maybe now we will!!


Thank you x

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